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PING: bodynazi - you're new helmet will be available soon!!
Last Post 07/09/2013 08:10 AM by Keith Jackson. 27 Replies.
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Cosmic Kid


06/27/2013 01:27 PM
Specialized Evade aviailable soon!! Looks a whole heap of a lot better in the white configuration!!
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!


06/27/2013 01:31 PM
Inspired by nature? blowhole
Cosmic Kid


06/27/2013 01:45 PM
HAH!! That's pretty funny, chinook!!

here is some of the wind tunnel data for anyone that is interested.....
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!


06/27/2013 02:35 PM
god, contemporary helmet design is getting more fugly by the day. but as they say, it's all subjective.

maybe those power comparisons? probably objective but on a race course there are so many other variables as to probably render that into pure marketing dreck.
Cosmic Kid


06/27/2013 02:49 PM
I wouldn't call it the end of the day, it is still data. Sure, there are always variables at play that can't necessarily be quantified. But it does provide some valuable information re: the advantage provided by an aero lid.
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!


06/27/2013 02:57 PM
I am calling complete and utter BS on that data. No way can you convince me that all things being equal in a 200m sprint a person wearing an Evade is 2.6 meters ahead of a person wearing a Prevail unless the latter is using the helmet as a drag chute.

Paging Mark Twain: Please bring your "Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics" quote, we need it right now.


06/27/2013 03:13 PM
I cannot tell which is the front and which is the back. Is this the new breakthrough? That the rider can choose the orientation depending on the event?



06/27/2013 04:43 PM
It's for riders who don't know if they're coming or going...and at $275 it would be cheap at twice the price.


06/27/2013 04:51 PM
maybe you wear it backwards if you have a tail wind.
How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.


06/27/2013 05:00 PM

Not sure about those numbers but in hanging with some tri guys, they are ruthless (and sometimes clueless) about speed and no doubt aero makes a difference. Especially how high our noggins sit on those bikes in the road position.

Anyone know how a bare head vs a helmet fares? Just curious...

Ride On


06/27/2013 05:31 PM
The problem with wind tunnel testing or CFD analysis is that it is carried out with a stationary head ( or bike ).

In the real world they move in relationship to the flow which would tend to change the trip point of the laminar flow. That totally changes the drag.

Until you start to see data with the object under test moving side to side in the flow I wouldn't put much stock in the results.


06/27/2013 06:31 PM
Am I interpreting this correctly? At 0 deg yaw, 50 km/hr takes ~140 vs 160 watts. I don't think I believe that the evade takes 14% less power, considering the other factors.
That chart sucks, random numbers, not aligned to random grid lines.


06/27/2013 08:25 PM
For all the naysayers claiming the new Giro Air attack will be hot, without actually trying one, they are not particularly hot in my experience. I wanted a helmet with few vents to keep the sun off my scalp while undergoing efudex treatment. Kind of a medical necessity for me. I still sweat because I go hard. I sweat hard with or without a helmet. My previous helmet is a Lazer and it funnels sweat into my right eye. It is awful and it is full on vents. Of course it does not get that hot here although this weekend is looking like low 30's so I may have further test results soon.

That Specialized does look odd to me though. I prefer round and plain looking helmets as opposed to finned ones with funky hole designs and spacy patterns.


06/28/2013 12:32 AM
I like the claim on time saved. Let's see, if I put 20,000 on those helmets over the next few years, at 46 seconds/40k, that's about 10 hours. Is there any way I can withdraw that 10 hours all at once so I can do something useful with it?



06/28/2013 12:45 AM
It looks like a crêpe or a cowpie. Buy why buy it now? Next year or the next, it will be 20.03% lighter and 14.003% more aero and it will "produce" 4.056% more power. Specialized, the marketing specialists.
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