Camera fever
Last Post 07/09/2014 12:58 PM by Joe Rockbottom. 19 Replies.
Author Messages


07/07/2014 11:45 AM
Is the picture taking, leaning out into the course worse this year than normal, or is it just the storyline so far getting blown out of proportion.

Cosmic Kid


07/07/2014 11:49 AM
Definitely worse.....driven by the selfie craze as much as anything else.

part of the problem is that people now are extending just their arms to catch pics, so they are unaware of the danger it presents, since they are not putting their whole body out there. They lose that sense of self-awareness.
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!


07/07/2014 12:17 PM
“It seems to be the new fashion, and everyone wants to get that cool shot,” Roche continued. “I don’t think people realize how much it would hurt to get hit by a cyclist. People taking ‘selfies’ are actually causing a lot of crashes. The riders throw themselves into the bunch to avoid hitting the public.”

Perhaps after a few more fans get drilled in the back at 60kph while memorializing their stupidity (and quadriplegic status) on film (or whatever it's now called) the desire to stand in the middle of a race will wane.


07/07/2014 12:36 PM
I really can't wrap my head around how self-involved people have become. Everyone seems to think that people out there actually give a crap about them because of Facebook "likes." I attribute this to the disease known as the Kardashians. Kids today just want to grow up to be rich and famous rather than being doctors or astronauts. Really sad that our youth is only focused on being popular rather than being talented or rewarded for honest good work.

I maybe take a few pictures when I watch a Pro race but mostly just watch with my eyes. I want to soak up the experience. People today seem to only be focused on showing others that they were there rather than being in the moment. And honestly, who goes back and looks at pictures anyhow?
Orange Crush


07/07/2014 12:46 PM
The selfie craze is definitely getting worse.

Another low this weekend, Dom Dwyer, Chicago Fire. Come on dude you are supposed to be playing a game.


07/07/2014 12:58 PM
Well before I started pedaling, I visited my sister who lived in Paris at the time. I got there on a Saturday and stayed awake as long as possible. The next day, we went down and watched the end of the tour. I have these great B&W photos taken with your basic 35 mm camera. It was a great time. To see these very basic machines being powered by human muscle and endurance at the speeds they were going as the final laps were done was amazing!
Yo Mike


07/08/2014 09:12 AM
+1 6ix

Many people are so busy 'documenting / examining' their lives that they are not actually living them as fully as they might otherwise.

That was my take home message from the one episode of 'Portlandia' that I ever watched.


07/08/2014 09:27 AM
BBC article... "Tour de Selfie"


07/08/2014 10:57 AM
There are a lot of stupid people. That is why there are bad drivers on the roads, bad riders on the trails, bad shoppers in the store isles, and bad selfie takers everywhere.

6ix is correct, people are (self-involved) egocentric. People with low intelligence can't think beyond themselves. We are all egocentric to a point, but intelligence allows us to think beyond ourselves.

If I was at the TdF and wanted a picture of my face in front of the charging platoon, my brain would say "hey, they are flying, you are going to cause a problem, stay the F out of the road".
Cosmic Kid


07/08/2014 11:00 AM
Posted By Justin jmdirt on 07/08/2014 10:57 AM
There are a lot of stupid people. That is why there are bad drivers on the roads, bad riders on the trails, bad shoppers in the store isles, and bad selfie takers everywhere.

Bad spellers, too.
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!


07/08/2014 11:11 AM
I must be thinking about vacation to an isle! I should probably proofread when I'm talking about intelligence!


07/08/2014 11:22 AM
Posted By Cosmic Kid on 07/08/2014 11:00 AM
Posted By Justin jmdirt on 07/08/2014 10:57 AM
There are a lot of stupid people. That is why there are bad drivers on the roads, bad riders on the trails, bad shoppers in the store isles, and bad selfie takers everywhere.

Bad spellers, too.

The irony here is overwhelming
Cosmic Kid


07/08/2014 11:33 AM
Hey now......I never claimed otherwise.
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!
Keith Richards


07/08/2014 11:46 AM
The selfishness of the "selfie" explains itself in the name.

If you want to take good photos, get a good camera with a zoom lens so you can get up in the action without being a hazard.
----- It is his word versus ours. We like our word. We like where we stand and we like our credibility."--Lance Armstrong.


07/08/2014 11:58 AM
My spelling, grammar, writing, and typing skills are poor, but I will not stand in the road to take a picture of myself while the platoon is charging at me!
EDIT: the above list is nowhere near complete!


07/08/2014 12:58 PM
Keith, to get that selfie with a zoom lense, you have to set up your tripod up the road and run up and recover it before the peloton gets there. Not convinced that's better.

Keith Richards


07/08/2014 01:04 PM
Note, I said "good photos" not selfies. Selfies are as I said, selfish.
----- It is his word versus ours. We like our word. We like where we stand and we like our credibility."--Lance Armstrong.


07/08/2014 02:06 PM
99.9% of selfies are not good pictures.

I dislike FB friends who only post selfies. How self absorbed can someone be?


07/08/2014 05:02 PM


07/09/2014 12:58 PM
I too don't take pics at races because I want to see the race go by not spend that short time behind a camera. If I really want it, il do video and hold the camera or phone low, away from my face. Then I get both personal view and a video. Any stills can be extracted from the video and are usually better than single stills.

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