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das boot
Last Post 08/29/2021 05:32 PM by Orange Crush. 22 Replies.
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08/27/2021 07:09 PM
Congratulations on your good news. Nice to read. Along this line, I had an unlucky encounter with a deer last month at 40+ mph and haven’t mentioned it here thinking I would bounce back by now and it would be just a good bar story. Alas I’m still in a pretty deep hole. Not a cry for sympathy, just ventilating and pondering, more med appointments next week. Hooray for good helmets. Keep riding everyone, but watch out for the full grown buck who doesn’t get it that he should be hidden at midday.


08/27/2021 07:10 PM


08/27/2021 07:13 PM
Sorry for the double post


08/27/2021 08:28 PM
Oh man... that would be nasty. We had one jump through the group on a 20+ person ride a month back. We had a bit of a split on a hill and the deer went through the gap. Scared the crud out of us.
Orange Crush


08/27/2021 08:53 PM
Yikes LSD. Deer are scarier than bears.

When I was at UCSC both a deer and cyclist died in a nighttime encounter. Personally in a nighttime drive out to climb Whitney had to do some really fancy car moves to avoid one in middle of road.

Back when I lived in Ontario a barely managed to avoid an encounter with a herd of stampeding deer while on a ride.

No scary encounters around here yet but there always standing on side of mountain roads up to no good.

Cosmic Kid


08/27/2021 09:34 PM
Hope things turn around quickly now LSD!!
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!


08/27/2021 10:59 PM
When I worked at Wyeth in Pearl River, NY, I captained a team of the Wyeth Wheelers. Mostly we participated in MS rides, but I expanded it to after-work rides and an annual Century. A friend got whacked by a deer while he was descending at speed in Harriman Park, one of our routes. His back has never been the same, and his riding has pretty much stopped.
LSD, I hope you recover well.
Orange Crush


08/29/2021 05:32 PM
As if to confirm my notions on deer versus bears, had a very friendly black bear encounter yesterday while hiking. Got to within 50 m when I saw it in a bend of trail. Made my presence known in a calm voice but loud enough to be heard. Bear moves off trail and stands up to check out the disturbance of afternoon routine. I wave my hiking pole as it’s easier to see motion. Bear moves out of the way. A deer would have been all over the place and probably trampled me.

Speedy recovery LSD.
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