Took my girlfriend to see 'The Armstrong Lie'
Last Post 07/15/2014 05:34 PM by Keith Jackson. 13 Replies.
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12/17/2013 09:15 AM
She's a CRNA and was blown away by the medical sloppiness: No gloves when blood samples were taken, the unsanitary conditions when blood transfusions were done, and to her amazement, the episode when the Postal bus fakes a mechanical on the way to the hotel and everyone got their transfusions while the bus was parked at the side of the road. She asked how the vein puncture from a transfusion wasn't obvious to everyone. I have no idea-- in July it's too hot to wear arm warmers, makeup would smear. How did they cover up the needle tracks?


12/17/2013 09:31 AM
Not my idea of a date to take my girlfriend to. Also," To her amazement, the episode when the Postal bus fakes a mechanical on the way to the hotel and everyone got their transfusions while the bus was parked at the side of the road". I hope you explained to her it's a lot safer to pull over and stop in getting our transfusions than in a moving vehicle except on a bridge or in the middle of a railroad crossing.


12/17/2013 09:33 AM
was it worth seeing?


12/17/2013 09:46 AM

Really nothing new, we've seen this train wreck play out over the past decade but to the casual observer the movie was a bit of a stunner. She was going on about how -7 was so bold in his declarations of never doping and what a pathological lier he was. I quoted someone here and said we should just be grateful he didn't go into politics or Wall Street.


12/17/2013 08:31 PM
I think i will wait until I can watch it for free on netflix streaming...which probably won't be long....


12/17/2013 09:29 PM
Who plays Lance?
dvs cycles


12/18/2013 07:38 PM
It's a documentary so it is LA as himself.


06/26/2014 09:04 PM
Just saw it on cable (starz).
Definitely worth the watch - very well done, and the Tour footage is excellent and beautiful. If you hate to revisit this, just turn off the sound and enjoy the racing footage.
Betsy Andreau gets to tell her side very well.
The story is Very neutral in tone, which makes the main message (LA is a major douche/sociopath/amazing ubercompetitor) more profoundly than ranting. (Which reminds me, where are you Superfrenchie/Diesel?).


06/27/2014 02:35 AM
Diesel is still riding, and enjoying the World Cup.


06/27/2014 09:35 AM
"we should just be grateful he didn't go into politics or Wall Street." The problem is, he is exactly who is in politics and Wall St.

When you described the "broken down" bus, I had this flash vision of buses lined up along the road with the engine hatch open.


07/01/2014 12:04 PM
I watched it over the w.e and thought it was OK, it had some good detail extracted from the USADA report and the interviews with Ferrari were interesting. Overall he seemed a tiny more candid, a tiny more vulnerable, a tiny bit less arrogant and a little closer to the ground, but not a whole lot. I think he still freakin lied about doping during 09 tdf. He may have been clean during the Giro and that is a BIG MAYBE, and perhaps to test the water and see how he compared with other top riders if he raced cleaned, but really who gives a flying monkey.

You guys are mob from The God Father....."Every time I think I'm keep pulling me back in!"
Orange Crush


07/01/2014 12:33 PM
Can't you take your girlfriend to a real movie? :-)
Cosmic Kid


07/15/2014 04:52 PM
Posted By Kameron Kameron on 07/01/2014 12:04 PM
. I think he still freakin lied about doping during 09 tdf.

It was interesting how they painted his performance on ventoux that year..... Taht said, I still maintain that he was using AICAR in 2009, which at the time was not banned by WADA. Therefore, he was not technically doping and thus allowing him to tell his tale with a straight face.
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!
Keith Richards


07/15/2014 05:34 PM
Ugh....Lance Armstrong, I never liked you. Not one bit. When everyone was swinging on your dick, I held firm that you were an ego maniac. I knew guys who raced with/against you back in the early 90's. They all told me what a cocksucker you were.

His climb on Ventoux with Pantani was the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen.

No check that...Vaughters having the climbing record on Ventoux was the even more outrageous.
----- It is his word versus ours. We like our word. We like where we stand and we like our credibility."--Lance Armstrong.

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