I did it. I challlenge you guys ot do the same.
Last Post 09/12/2020 04:43 PM by Cosmic Kid. 27 Replies.
Author Messages


09/03/2020 02:01 PM
Got my flu shot yesterday. Woman who administered it warned me of pain at the shot location and flu-like symptoms for the next day. She was right. Also said to take any pain killer I had on hand! (Never heard that before!) I felt like I got slugged and when I went to bed last night, I took 2 aspirin. Less than 3 hours later 2 more. And so on through the night. 10 hours later, got up feeling not too bad. Almost fine now. I never consume aspirin like that !

I spent a fair amount of time thinking about those who won't get vaccines for whatever reason. My thought - there are those who step up, get them and don't complain. Do it again next year. Real men, There are those who step, complain but still do it again next year. Lesser men, but men still. And there are those who won't, defending their choice with "personal freedom", government oversight, or whatever. ****ies. (Think female pet.)

Believing the talk out there that these "rights" or whatever that mean we don't have to be responsible citizens of the world and our species (never mind our government) is simply refusing to pull the blinders off one''s eyes, see what is and do the right thing.

Last night convinced me I had the flu last winter, Same - no specific symptoms, just the "got run over by a truck" feeling with all the actual injuries so drugged I couldn't feel them, But all the rest of my body! 12 hours is manageable.. And aspirin worked. Last year's got really old. And set me back at least a month and a half on the bike.

So, this wasn't a double blind study, just a double whammy study, But I can vouch that the shot, as much as it sucks, is by far the lesser of the two. And with our medical situation now, clearly the only "right" thing to do (unless you have real health issues that prevent it). Now, when I see the "my rights and freedom" folk (often laden with armament) I am going to be thinking of those pets. Keeping a straight face might be a challenge. Hope it doesn't get me in hot water.

Cosmic Kid


09/03/2020 02:56 PM
I had the first Shingles vaccine shot just when the pandemic hit....knocked me on my ass. In fact, I was concerned it was CVOID at the time.

Now due for the second half and I will double up with my flu shot as well. Probably next week sometime because I know it will knock me down again.
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!


09/03/2020 03:11 PM
Just got my flu shot. Hoping it doesn't knock me on my backside, I've got a bike to ride in a couple hours


09/03/2020 05:23 PM

Posted By Cosmic Kid on 09/03/2020 02:56 PM
I had the first Shingles vaccine shot just when the pandemic hit....knocked me on my ass. In fact, I was concerned it was CVOID at the time.

Now due for the second half and I will double up with my flu shot as well. Probably next week sometime because I know it will knock me down again.

I probably should go do the Shingles. I know first hand what it is like if you take the medication in time when it it shows up and 3rd hand what happens if you don't. 2010 I got the medication 26 hours after I first saw the symptoms. Wasn't fun but not end of the world. I missed no work. My mon's mom and aunt both got it years ago. Her aunt first, She'd had a badly botched surgery and didn't trust the medical world. Passed on the medicine and lived though months of hell. Her sis knew this and promptly got on board when she got singles and had a mild experience like mine.

The nurse at work diagnosed me in seconds when I stopped by to ask about the spots I'd just discovered. She wouldn't let me leave her office until I'd called my doc and made an appointment for the next day. Doc told me to cancel any plans I had (It was Friday afternoon) until I'd filled the prescription and taken the first dose before leaving the pharmacy.

That was when I was 59. Not yet eligible for the vaccine. (And when I hit eligibility, it was very expensive and probably out of my deductible when I was struggling to get out of 2nd mortgage debt.) Now I have no excuses. So thank you for the reminder.

Cosmic Kid


09/03/2020 05:37 PM
I've got a bike to ride in a couple hours

That's why I am not getting my shots until after this weekend!
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!


09/03/2020 06:01 PM
A couple of hours have passed and Dale is or isn't riding. I kept my mouth shut because I was thinking just like you, CK!

Today is my normal riding day. I could, but nah. I'm still having odd pains here and there. Still feel like I stepped in front of Marshawn Lynch. Just three days ago, not yesterday. (Not true. He would have busted more than a few bones!)


09/03/2020 06:21 PM
Dale is not riding. Holy buckets! This flu shot is like a mule kick. My wife said this years batch is four different strains to cover more bases in light of COVID-19 and the side effect is not going for a ride


09/03/2020 06:45 PM
Dale, you're the man!


09/03/2020 06:50 PM
This year, there are runners on every base and that little prick is just feeding the batter a fat pitch. Grand slam.
Orange Crush


09/03/2020 07:24 PM
Oye this sounds more exciting than others years I may just have to try it. Seems the Canuckistan rollout will only be in Oct though.

And maybe also look into shingles. Our roof is looking rather ratty.


09/03/2020 11:06 PM
I rejoice when I get a clear systemic immune response after a vaccine. That means it's working. Ben's flu shot reaction is uncommon, frankly very rare. The good news is that his unpleasantness implies a robust immune response. That is the whole point of the immunization! Context: there are dozens of flu variants, so it's a bit of a guess each year. The experts pick three and the vaccines for each year are prepared. That said, even a miss can still help, as a near miss still provides some immunity, can be the difference between sick as snot and not so bad. Or for us geezers, ICU vs. some home in bed time.


09/09/2020 02:24 PM
I have gotten one every year going on 15 or so years now. The very first time I did feel kinda punky the next day, definitely sore and swollen some at the injection site. Since then, no issues to speak of other than maybe a little fatigue and a little sore at the injection site.

The upside, I typically don't get the flue, or as LSD says, the vaccine was a near miss and I got kinda sick but bad. The exception was last year, late December. In bed and on my ass for a week. After that, it took another two weeks for my lungs to clear and the coughing to stop. Bad, bad coughing, like ouch did I maybe just crack a rib style coughing for day after day after day. Then, my honey got it and same symptoms. Some friends have since suggested that perhaps COVID showed up a month or two earlier than we recognized. That was a nasty chunk of time that took me by surprise because I had gotten my annual flu shot. I have never come close to feeling that awful when I have had a shot but still caught a little something later that season.

Definitely getting one again this year. Heck, my employer gives 'em out to us, though I am not sure how that will work this season. It's usually a "clinic" with folks streaming through all day. Not sure that will fly right now.
Orange Crush


09/09/2020 03:02 PM

Posted By thinline . on 09/09/2020 02:24 PM

Heck, my employer gives 'em out to us, though I am not sure how that will work this season. It's usually a "clinic" with folks streaming through all day. Not sure that will fly right now.

As a risk to employees, the at work option would still seem safer than having them join an even larger and less controlled public line up. My employer does same but haven't yet heard about this year (vaccines only get released in Oct up here in Canada).
Cosmic Kid


09/10/2020 01:12 PM
Both shingles and flu shots taken care of today.....pharmacist said if I had a bad reaction to the last shingles shot, I should expect the same since it is the same dosage.

The countdown to feeling schitty begins!!!
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!


09/10/2020 01:32 PM
Shingles shot? CK, I thought that was the domain of the AARP crowd. Didn't think you were in that cohort. I got mine half dozen or so years ago by talking my primary care doc into letting me jump the gun a couple of years.


09/10/2020 03:03 PM
I got shingles before I qualified.


09/10/2020 04:15 PM
Ben, that's why I cajoled my doc into getting the shots early. Sorry you ended up with shingles, I hear nothing good about it.
Cosmic Kid


09/10/2020 06:54 PM
The marker for the shingles vaccine has been lowered to 50....and you can get it twice, so get the vaccine even if you already had it.

I had a VERY mild case about 14 years ago...small spot on the right side of my face. I was lucky!
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!
Orange Crush


09/10/2020 07:19 PM
When the horizontal rain hits is when it’s vaccine season. Right now it’s summer still. October...


09/10/2020 07:47 PM
Some vaccination clarification:
The current shingles best option is a two dose joyfest, but definitely more effective than the previous best one injection v1.0.
As for flu shots, the experts are saying get it now. But I have no issue with folks waiting a few weeks as OC chooses. In some folks the immunity fades after a few months, although not much, which is a mild argument to delay. And the downside is small, as flu does not circulate widely in the fall in normal years. With Covid restrictions it will circulate far less. Case in point: Flu season in Australia this year was very mild. It might have been a perfect flu shot blend, but IMO it had to be the Covid restrictions. Ditto here in the US: flu deaths late last winter and spring after the Covid lockdown were far lower than long term averages.
BTW, in case there are 45 fans here: don't drink bleach.
Orange Crush


09/10/2020 08:02 PM
It’s not even a matter of choice LSD. The experts here seem to differ with you guys and are going for usual roll out schedule which only ramps up end of Sep and happens through most of October. That’s what they say here is most effective. There was actually a news article on it this week, hey the us is starting flue shots early, shouldn’t we too?

I have yet to see the first corporate flu shot, reserve your spot now, email. Btw this will be first time ever I get one. I have an issue with things that provide a poor return on investment, even when they’re free. At any rate I am busy enough at work that I can’t afford to have to take a day off due to flu symptoms that could be misinterpreted as Covid symptoms so that is why this is the year. Can’t recall when I had flu either. Last year I didn’t even get a cold sniffle. That too goes with the adrenaline that comes with a high speed work environment. I actually lose weight sitting at my desk.


09/10/2020 08:45 PM

BTW, in case there are 45 fans here: don't drink bleach.

Bwahaha... well done!



09/10/2020 09:08 PM
Sorry for the rant, but there is so much BS out there now, and as I read this post, I see through it.

Odds you will have to take a day off after a flu shot are essentially zero. If you are looking for excuses, have at it, enjoy your day off.

Odds you will have to take a day off after the shingles vaccine are pretty much zero. You will feel crappy the next morning so take some Tylenol or NSAIDs or not, regardless you will feel much much better by the end of the next day. If you are looking for excuses, have at it.

If you don't want a flu vaccine because it's inconvenient (you are lazy), shame on you. The flu shot is not just about you.

If you don't want a shingles series because it's inconvenient and unpleasant, that's your choice, you won't directly harm anyone else unless you have job that makes your help to others immediate and hard to replace. Otherwise have at it.

As for "I knew a guy who knew a guy" anecdotes, no thank you.

Orange Crush


09/10/2020 09:40 PM
Hmm that’s not actually what I wrote about. Not concerned at all about effects of getting these shots. It is what it is.

What I’m talking about is flue shot effectiveness numbers that get published by CDC every year and which are disappointing most years. Last year 38-44 percent depending on age group.

In comparison most vaccines including new shingles are 90% or better.

The flue vaccine remains a major medical challenge. I understand the challenge but just can’t fathom how as humanity we haven’t made significant progress on this. One of areas where I have my hopes on AI to set us straight and tell us where we mucked up. In meantime I’ll read through stats year after year and remain a sceptic.
Cosmic Kid


09/10/2020 09:42 PM
No “I knew a guy” anecdotes from me....the shingles vaccine knocked me on my ass in March. Started felling achy by the evening, spiked a fever overnight and went to urgent care the next AM (mostly because I was concerned it was COVID). By the following day, I was mostly OK, maybe a little lethargic.

Had my shot today ~12....starting to feel a bit achy, but definitely not as bad as last time *knocks wood*

I’ve never had a reaction to a flu shot (other than a sore arm)....
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!


09/10/2020 11:26 PM

Posted By Dale Dale on 09/10/2020 04:15 PM
Ben, that's why I cajoled my doc into getting the shots early. Sorry you ended up with shingles, I hear nothing good about it.

Dale, I got the medicine in time. It sucked but it wasn't hell. Didn't miss any work. No long term except and off itch in the hollow of my sternum that I notice every few months.

I've been passing on the shingles because of the cost but my situation is better and I may do it. It's not a huge concern for me because I know the symptoms and what to do and on this one, you can take action after you see the symptoms (as long as you stay within the window).
Cosmic Kid


09/11/2020 06:41 AM
Pretty long night last night....slightly achy and chills. Couldn’t relax enough to sleep more than an hour or so at a time.

Tylenol helped take the edge off, though....and definitely not as bad as the first dose! Gonna lay low today....I think there may be a bike race to watch.
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!
Cosmic Kid


09/12/2020 04:43 PM
Felt OK this AM and decided to hop the trainer this afternoon since it has been pissing down rain all day.....

Bad idea. 4x12 SweetSpot intervals were on the schedule. Suffice to say it did not go well....barely made it through the first set, reduced workload by 10% and then quit after the second. Body just not ready, I guess!!
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!

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