I was able to provide the rear end this weekend
Last Post 09/08/2014 08:32 PM by Jim Johnson. 6 Replies.
Author Messages


09/08/2014 10:51 AM
You know, the one everyone got to kick… with enthusiasm, loads and loads of enthusiasm.
Yeah, that was me on Saturday.

2nd cx race of the year and instead of racing Masters which would have been a 60 minute race I got in the Cat 3's (45 minutes) and got humiliated. First time I've even taken last place. Saw Jacobus. He bobbled badly passing me and pulled off a nice save to avoid the ground, he went on to get 4th and was riding well.

It ought to make me feel somewhat better knowing that I was the oldest by probably 15 years and older than some by 35 or more but it really doesn't.

Then to heap further scorn my girlfriend said, "You're in pretty good shape… for an old man."
Funny, girl, real funny


09/08/2014 11:25 AM
What kind of turnout do you have down there for a cat 3 race? Can't judge this placing without this info.
You beat all the people who stayed home instead of racing!


09/08/2014 11:30 AM
I think there were 13 of us.

St. Louis runs a funny system, rather than Cat's 1-5 they run it as A, B, C and you self select where you belong. Normally in a 3 race I'm about 2/3 the way back… mid-field on a great day.



09/08/2014 06:00 PM
so, you were in the top 20


09/08/2014 06:34 PM
Posted By smokey 52 on 09/08/2014 06:00 PM
so, you were in the top 20

LOL! Smokey, you managed to give me an out and salvage my bruised ego. Nicely done
Cosmic Kid


09/08/2014 08:10 PM
LOL...I can't help but laugh, dude. I'm reading this thread and thinking "WTF?!? You competed against guys roughly half your age. That is AWESOME no matter what" and then return to being mildly disappointed in my IM run.

Talk about a lesson in perspectives....thanks, Dale. I needed that.

Well done, bud.
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!


09/08/2014 08:32 PM
You guys are both an inspiration. Seriously, thanks for the posts.

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