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...that's what is wrong with this country...
Last Post 06/06/2014 10:23 AM by Justin jmdirt. 26 Replies.
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06/04/2014 08:45 AM
(USA): I've heard that statement more than a few times in my 46 years, but its amazing how everyone I talk with lately says something to the effect of 'politicians are what is wrong with our country'. Its in the editorial section of the papers both from journos and letter to the editor, and the www is loaded with unhappy writers/posters. People don't discuss/argue politics anymore because they agree on a central thing, that politicians s*ck. People are becoming more and more disenfranchised. I wonder if it will actually become some type of citizen action in this country? Not the 1% camp outs from a few years ago, but a real action when people take a stand, and say 'no more'.


06/04/2014 08:47 AM
just pull the plug on all legislator pensions and health care, problem fixed


06/04/2014 09:03 AM
people are too content to have a good uprising. full bellies, cable tv, wifi and air conditioning make it hard to get enough people riled.
How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.
Yo Mike


06/04/2014 09:39 AM
+1 Skinny. China is hoping this approach works as well.

IMO, MONEY is the major problem in politics, and the SCOTUS equating money with free speech was a travesty

Ride On


06/04/2014 12:50 PM
The idea of having representatives , represent us was a great concept when we could not all make it to the meeting to discuss the ideas and then vote. With the internet today, that concept of travel and time required to discuss and vote for ourselves is outdated. Move the topic vote back into the hands of the people and not into the hands of people who are suppose to represent us.


06/04/2014 01:52 PM
I think that skinny makes a good point, but its sad that people are happy as long as they have 500 channels and endless credit. I still sense that there are more people than usual unhappy with the way elected officials are letting our country slide (while filling their own bank accounts).


06/04/2014 04:16 PM
I agree with Ride on. We do not need representational gvernment anymore. We do need a judicial branch and probably an executive branch -- but legislative? not so much. There are any number of models which could be brought forth whereby we use the internet to discuss issues and enact legislation. No need for the 500+ porkers in the Congress, their salaries, their security details, their pensions, their benefits, etc.

Whats wrong with this country? To me its the very unimaginative, unintelligent and self-serving leadership that has brought us to a point where we are either unable or unwilling to identify what the important problems are (hint: female v male names of hurricanes is not one of them) and assemble the individuals capable of addressing the problems with viable solutions. I'm talking about healthcare payment, Social security solvency, foreign aide and foreign policy and general fiscal responsibility. The govt gets around 3.5 trillion dollars a year to play with. Is this really the best we can do with that?
Orange Crush


06/04/2014 04:32 PM

Posted By carl x on 06/04/2014 09:03 AM
people are too content to have a good uprising. full bellies, cable tv, wifi and air conditioning make it hard to get enough people riled.

Its worked since Roman times and still does: bread (mig mac) and games (cable TV).

The Chinese know damn well it works. Look at what they did after Tianamen Square. Give the masses possessions and they stop rising up. What remains broiling below the surface is subsequently easier controlled.


06/04/2014 05:43 PM
Don't blame the politicians. Blame yourself, your peers, and the rest of electorate. WE vote these bums back into office year after year, scandal after scandal. It's our fault. Vote them OUT. If they knew they would have to pay the piper for their actions, they would represent YOU.
Instead, they promise to spend your money on you. WE buy it each and every time.


06/04/2014 06:01 PM
We get the politicians we deserve. We vote for those who tell us what we want to hear. Pretty near impossible to tell the unvarnished truth and get elected. Demos think it's 1965 and big gov will fix it all. Repubs think it's 1981 and we just need Reagan again.


06/04/2014 07:26 PM
Good thoughts stroz.

I mostly disagree jookey and lsd. There isn't even a lesser of two evils any more. Most of the people who run for national office are already FN worthless. Vote in the incumbent POS or vote in the new POS. They are liars and money whores. "I am for the people (who have a billion dollars)". Edit: Even if a few good people could get to DC, do you think that they could overcome the system?

I have voted in every election since I registered on my 18th birthday. Locally I usually have an OK option, nationally... POS.


06/04/2014 08:35 PM
i don't mind paying taxes and i'd even pay a little more if i thought it would go towards anything but military spending. i don't begrudge them a new fighter jet or whatever but they get whatever they request whereas if your one of the unlucky slobs that need some help after you get out then you're f'ed in the a. the blue angels were sequestered for a while but they got them up and running because they are a huge recruiting tool for the navy. i bet the recruiter doesn't even mention the waiting list to get into a va hospital.
How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.


06/04/2014 09:06 PM
Vote in the new POS. Then vote in another new POS. Sooner or later your $h!+ won't stink.


06/04/2014 09:55 PM
I read more and more how the US government is more an oligarchy than a democracy. IE the government does the bidding of the wealthiest people. the less than 1%ers.
The financial influence of lobbyists, special interest groups, the NRA comes to mind. Then the soft well paid board positions after they retire from office all create corruption of the system.
Orange Crush


06/04/2014 10:40 PM
Well we have Harper, which is like W moved north of 49th and brought his croonies. He's pretty much been dismantling everything worthwhile.

Despite a real multi-party system we've suffered under his dictatorship for what? 12yrs now? Blame winner takes all voting system and lack of ruling by concensus rather than imposing rule.
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