July 26, 2024 Login  
Rain, rain, go away!!!!
Posted on 11/28/2009 10:44:00 PM

This morning I heard water pouring outside as I always do, since there's a fountain in the courtyard outside my door. When I opened the door to go to breakfast - after ten hours of much needed sleep to recuperate from sleeping in a haystack the night before - I was welcomed by what appeared to be a fire hose spraying full tilt! It was just water, just rain...

As I wouldn't impose a ride in such a downpour on my own self - unless it was a race - I told the boys we could choose the pool option for the morning (I found a great pool), and a forest run and the weight room as planned for the afternoon, along with a ride on the home trainer. And that is how we spent our day!

2kms swim, sauna, stretching, 20-45' run followed by weights and the home trainer. Those who really love water rode 80kms. The hardest part, as always, is just getting your butt on the saddle, but once you're there you never feel the rain...you just get wet.

Tomorrow the weather folks have given options, so I'll just wait till I open the door tomorrow morning!

Cheers and thanks for reading,

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