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Ten most played songs on my iPod (during the race season)
Posted on 4/5/2011 8:53:56 AM

The music that helps me ride fast

As I travel around the world to the races I always find myself listening to music on my iPod. Music is in fact has been a great companion during my travels and the time off the bike. When I was young almost every week I was at the music shop and would buy an album or two. Now with the digital era, I am still one of the few that goes out and buys a CD. In my opinion, it is better to have the media in your hands instead of the mp3. With the booklet you can have a look at the photos or read the lyrics, and that way you feel what the artist has to say. It is true that with the mp3 player we can travel without the weight of our cds in the bag and we can always have our entire collection with us, but I still prefer to have them with me anyway.

In this post I want to share with you the ten most played songs on my iPod at the moment. Normally during the racing season I choose to listen to songs that have a lot of energy and keep the rhythm high.

1. Johnny Cash-I Walk The Line-Complete Live At San Quentin
Fantastic live performance by one of my favourite artists.
This song reminds me always to be on the line, especially during a time trial: if you have a good line in the bends you spare energy and save time.

2. Die Toten Hosen-Bayern-Reich & Sexy II
Die Toten Hosen are a german punk rock band, the themes of the songs are sometimes about sport. In this case football is the main subject. They say they will never play for FC Bayern Munchen ( they call it a s*** reality).

3. R.E.M.-Radio Free Europe-And I feel fine
My list could not go without a song by the band that formed in Athens, Georgia where my team was fouded in 2005. This is one of the first songs by the band and you can smell the flavour of the eighties with some punk sounds.

4. The Dubliners-Rocky road to Dublin-The Best Of
Classic and traditional Irish song, it is not a mystery that Irish music is probably my favourite genre. The rocky road reminds me of the hard road there is between Paris and Roubaix and the fight scene in the film Sherlock Holmes... Perfect for this time of the year.

5. Green Day-Outsider-Shenanigans
I like the entire album, but this song is the one you have to listen to when you want to go in the breakaway. You have to be an outsider to the peloton!!

6. Vanessa Carlton-Unsung-Be not nobody
Classy sylish piano and a beautiful voice. The name of the album reminds me of being present in the race: try to show that you are really present, be not nobody...

7. The Pogues-White city-The best of the Pogues
This song is really my personal anthem, as it seems like a stadium song and I always listen to it at maximum volume.  I imagine myself as a gladiator in the arena. Then I am ready to race.

8. Days of the New-Shelf in the Room-Days in the New
Time to relax with this song. I like guitar and I like to feel the string moving under the fingers. It is incredible how this band can combine old style sounds with electronic riffs.

9. Luciano Ligabue-Tra palco e realta`-Secondo tempo

A song from one of the best rockers in the Italian music scene. The title is actually: Between on stage and reality, sometimes it is like the life of a cyclist.

10. Mr. Jimmy-The Vad Vuc-Trans roonkaya express
This band from my region ( Ticino ) combines Irish ( again.!!!..) music along with local folk and country. They sing in the very particular Ticino language and everywhere in the world I feel like I’m at home when I listen to this song.

I hope you enjoy my suggestions and they will give you some motivation on the bike!

Thanks for reading,

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