July 26, 2024 Login  

Where do I start?

Whether your plan is to go on a 5 mile ride down the bike path or you're looking for the thrill of one day racing your bike, cycling is a tough sport.  There are a lot of details that, if left out, can put a premature end to what might have been a lifetime relationship between you and your bike.
VeloNation is here to try to help you get over that "hump", and we will do our best to provide you with what you need whether it is your first ride, your first commute, or the first category upgrade in your newly minted bike racing career.

There are a couple of things that we should clear up before you begin reading: 

  • Yes, when you first start cycling your butt will hurt.
  • No, there is no way around it.
  • Yes, the pain does go away if you can tough it out for your first couple of bike rides.

Many times the "pain in the arse" is enough to deter people from getting back on their bike.  Cycling shorts and riding consistently is all it takes to get you to a point  to where the discomfort goes away.  It's like any other physical activity, you need to gradually build up.
We will go over how to minimize the discomfort when first starting to ride your bike, and hope to enrich your cycling experience for years to come!

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