July 26, 2024 Login  
Feeling good in the Tour of the Mediterranean
Posted on 2/11/2011 5:38:25 AM

Last time I wrote was after Tour de San Luis in Argentina, when I was still travelling back home to Sweden. Between now and then I have done a lot of things, even if it the time has been the key. I’ve been home celebrating my sister’s birthday and have been saying hi to my folks. I’ve been spending quality time with my fiancée and my daughter Nova…after not seeing them for over three weeks it was a great time! If not sitting in front of a good movie on the couch, then we were out walking on the quaint streets of Skara, Skövde or Lidköping, having a coffee and strolling around doing nothing.

But I have done some good training as well, both in- and out of doors. And then I was in London for two days for the launch of Endura Racing at London Design Museum nearby London Bridge…I had a great time!

We did interviews, photo shots, had information and I have now met the complete team, sponsors and a lot of people behind Endura Racing. And I have to say that I’m very happy to be part of it all.

Now, the European races are underway. I’m enjoying racing there again, it’s different compared to Argentina. Agentina had wide open roads and here at the Tour of the Mediterranean it is narrow and twisty, and it’s mostly up and down all the time. We have been doing a few real climbs but the first big day is tomorrow.

The first stage had a fast opening and I was going with attacks. Thomas Voeckler (Europcar) and four others went up the road and the stage became a big chase. The break stayed away by just a few seconds and Voeckler won (and took the GC lead) when Laurent Mangel (Saur - Sojasun) was celebrating. It turned out he was celebrating second place…!

The second stage had an even harder opener with full-on attacks for the first 30km before one guy escaped in one of the climbs. Europcar took up the chase, and it came down to a bunch kick at the end.

Myself then, I have had good legs the first two stages and I hope that the form can stay from now on. It’s early in the season so we’ll see... My team (Endura Racing) is looking good and the guys feels strong, great to see!



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