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Used bike market
Last Post 02/28/2021 01:13 PM by Orange Crush. 28 Replies.
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Cosmic Kid


02/19/2021 02:55 PM
If you have any used bikes you are thinking of getting rid of, now is the time to do it.

With the complete lack of new bike inventory, the used market is a seller's dream right now. People are completely overpaying for stuff....it is crazy.

I have my old Cervelo up on eBay right now. Dated parts....10 spd Di2, old school Zipp 404 tubulars (like really old school...not even dimpled, let alone Firecrest), rim brakes. Currently sitting at $1750 with 2 days left on the auction. I don't think I could have gotten $1K for it last year before the pandemic.

Now trying to decide if I want to get rid of my tri bike....I don't see any triathlons in my near future adn I don't really race TT's....and it is an old frame (2009). Now may be the best chance for me to get a decent price....

Anyway, if you got stuff you are looking to unload, do it now.
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!


02/19/2021 03:19 PM
That's fine for you, CK. I imagine you have no problem selling off your family members to strangers. Hey, that's okay. We are the way we are. Maybe you could part them out -- I mean, it's more painful for them, but hey, you make the big bucks... A kidney here, a lung there, maybe some bone marrow...

Actually, I'm tempted, but my recent bike exchanges on eBay have been a pain in the butt. Sold a bike of my wife's a year ago and issues with the transaction lasted six months as UPS lost the wheels, forever, and they are charging a $4itload for shipping now.
Cosmic Kid


02/19/2021 03:31 PM
LOL, huck...the good news is that I am also restoring other family "members". Currently rebuilding my Schwinn Paramount Ti frame (built by Serotta) with a Campag Chorus grouppo. Pretty excited about it, TBH.

And of course the plan is to use the funds from these transactions to fund a new gravel bike....
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!


02/19/2021 04:26 PM
Huck, a kidney here ... I just read about two co-workers who happened to go back to their offices at the same time to get stuff for in-home work. Got talking. One needed a kidney. They discovered they were the same blood type. Went to the hospital over the holidays and made the transaction. Wow!

Bone marrow - I've never done it but I've known about it since 1976 when the Red Cross recruited me for platelets. Most of mine were going to research. I'd go in every two weeks. My racing days. Worked out really well. BP and quick physical twice a month! Twice I was informed my platelets were a good match for a patient and would I please stay healthy; they were needed. (This was before both the full typing and anything like a "bank" to draw from. Patients got whoever's. But after a few of those, they would develop antibodies(?) to poor matches. When a good match; ie no issues came along - well I got to be that. This was long before patient/donor confidentiality. The nurses drawing my blood would go to visit the patients. I would get updated every two weeks on how mine was doing, including name, hospital and room number and open invitation to go visit. (Never did and I probably wasn't ready for what I would have seen.) Still ... It was both an honor and responsibility knowing I was carrying around someone else's life inside my skin.

Years later, in Seattle, I'd go to give platelets. Now 6 times a year, two weeks before doing a whole blood, to get the needles down from 100/year to 12. Every so often, a complete stranger would walk up and give me a great big hug. Someone in donating for a family member who knew I was a community donor just doing it because.


02/19/2021 05:35 PM
I'm starting to think that way too many of you take me much too seriously ; )


02/19/2021 06:01 PM
As long as no family members are getting parted out ...


02/19/2021 06:58 PM
Brought me a chuckle. First the white stem, bar, and tape. Not being a Fred or maybe I am. But not something I would do if that is the bike. To each their own.

Libertyville. I was stationed at Great Lakes in 69 for boot camp camp and A school. Was driving around there a lot and found it so strange that lots of cars had some light hanging from the mirror. Never seen anything like it before or after. Car after car with this lite inside. I assume the sailors were vandalizing the cars.

I assumed that us sailors were vandalizing cars at the time.
Orange Crush


02/19/2021 08:08 PM
With the thin-ness of bike market I am retaining redundancy in my stable.

It’s a pittance anyway in big scheme of things unless you’re really strapped for cash.


02/20/2021 02:08 PM
Need some advice. I have 50 years of odd end parts, tools etc that I will be no longer using. Everything from park Tool Torque set to dozens of little bits, and pieces. I know almost everything has no real value for a single person Should I just take the whole shebang to a local bike shop and give it to them. The torque wrench and sockets along with some of the other good parts no. Stand, speed pedal grease gun, stems, my beloved 20 year old brooks saddle will try to find a new home. or just put the whole thing up for sale? What say you? Thought of taking all my bikes and parts etc. to the the Sea otter classic. Thinking they would have booths for normal people. LOL 5 grand or more. Where's the garage sale tent.? Stupid me. What do I know.


02/20/2021 07:23 PM
Mondonico..Maybe you could try a local bike club, such as The Sacramento Wheelmen or The Sierra Foothills Cycling Club?

You stopped riding completely? Say it's not so.
Cosmic Kid


02/20/2021 08:57 PM
I get more compliments on that bike than any other one I have, mondonico....taste is obviously subjective. Sitting just under $1800 with one day to go. Pretty happy with that.

As for the lights on cars thing, I have never noticed it, but we didn’t arrive here until 1999, so it may have ended by then. I’ll ask around.

Still lots of sailors from Great Lakes hitting the town on weekends, though....that has not changed!!
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!


02/20/2021 09:30 PM
Libertyville! My mother was born in Liberytville. She met my father on a blind date while he was at Great Lakes learning Navy. She was a USO girl, and they fell in love. The rest is history and herstory.

As I like to keep these posts on cycling, my Mom and Dad did Bike NY when in their late 70s. We were joined by my kids, some siblings, and their offspring. It was a hot day for early May, and we needed a lot of water to avoid heatstroke.
Cosmic Kid


02/20/2021 10:46 PM
Wow...small world!!

Who knew our little burg would have so many connections on this forum....very cool!!
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!


02/20/2021 11:03 PM
Bikes and the Great Lakes - I've ridden along three of them. Not Superior or Erie. (I paralleled Erie riding Ontario from Niagara Falls to Windsor.) The days before I rode along Lake Ontario. Later, a ride from Minneapolis to Saginaw MI along the north edge of Lake Michigan and across the Mackinac Bridge. Down the palm to the base of Saginaw Bay. (I've both sailed and ice-boated on Erie and swam (very briefly!) in Superior.

And sailors in town. I've been one of them in Victoria, Vancouver Island. Swiftsure. Now every June (pre-COVID anyway) the Navy, Coast Guard and Canadian counterparts send ships up the Columbia River to Portland for the Rose Parade. Been happening forever. Now I used to live on the island of Alameda, San Francisco Bay, when the Navy base was in full swing. (USS Coral Seas, our last non-nuc carrier and Enterprise were home-ported there. Real navy town. The sailors were often called (not to their face!) squids. Fast forward to Portland and the month of June. The annual returning of the squid to spawn.

Edit: Smokey, my ride across NY State happened in the early 70s (last century, not my age!)


02/21/2021 03:23 PM
Mondonico, here’s a thought regarding your unneeded gear: Do you have a local free or nearly free bike repair and exchange? I’ve donated stuff that is potentially useful but I just don’t use anymore to my local version. Half worn but otherwise good tires are the most appreciated, but also some of those old tools, the odd spoke, etc. Good to see it used. (As for the likely useless stuff like weird French stuff from the 70s, maybe a museum?)
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