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Hot Stove League
Last Post 01/25/2024 12:12 PM by 79 pmooney. 2 Replies.
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01/24/2024 07:34 PM
Tour Down Under done. Alaphlippe fan here. He showed up, make me hopeful he can regain his old form this spring and summer. No I won't put money on that. . . Joe D retires after a solid career, including a Giro stage win. Will he reconsider, maybe race in North America? Doubt it, not enough money here. . . Personalities raise a sport's awareness, which = $. Cycling would benefit from playing this card. Pog should be making money on par with a very good soccer player or NFL player, say $20M per year. . . PS clarification, "Hot Stove League" refers to news and observations during the American baseball off season. Hard to imagine now, but baseball a few generations back was way bigger here in the US than every other sport combined, with just a few athletes notably certain boxers and Knute Rockne enjoying the high status of baseball stars.


01/24/2024 08:55 PM
PS I hope Joe can bow out like Jason Kelce. If you don't get it, google it. 15 years of top pro athlete discipline shed for a few moments can be liberating for the athlete - and all around him or her open to the release. Sure made me laugh out loud with joy!


01/25/2024 12:12 PM
What I like to see most in pro sports is the athletes who get that they are in a place to make a difference. Not just on the field but as examples as people. That they can make a difference, not just as a person but as an example that everyone can see. (And for me, the ones that also do good stuff when no one is looking. Like Portland Trailblazer of the "Jail Blazers" days Brian Grant who quietly drove to a cancer hospital south of Portland and visited a 12 yo boy with terminal cancer. Started a friendship for the rest of that boys life.)

The next young man who I hope steps up - that running back who landed in the limelight a couple of weeks ago, Blake Corum. Yes, from my alma mater so I'm biased, but also a class act. Wants to inspire young men to reach higher. Yeah!
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