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Last Post 03/03/2023 07:55 PM by Orange Crush. 13 Replies.
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03/01/2023 02:55 PM
Educate me

1) Time to get back to waxing chains, I think.
At least for my tandem which only sees nice riding conditions.
Give me your tips.

2) Heart monitor strap is shot.
What to get for a replacement?

Orange Crush


03/01/2023 04:12 PM
1) given your age category there should be a near infinite supply of ear wax (can you hear me?)

2) duct tape, duh.


03/01/2023 06:29 PM
Listen sonny, those are legit questions and why are you on my lawn?


03/01/2023 07:19 PM
I think Polar Pal (is that the heart monitor people? The Polar heart people anyway) sells replacement straps. I bought one several years ago through Amazon. (Said in a normal tone of voice from across the street. Your lawn's safe. Maybe you won't be able to hear this but I tried.)

I saw a post on BikeForums the other day about a wax and solvent blend that is ancient (like early last century; probably for uses other than chains) where you soak the chain over night, remove and mount. Hours later it is dry and ready to use. That the solvent does a really good job of getting the wax where needed. Formulation has a brand name but the recipe has been public knowledge for years. It looks like an approach far simpler than hot waxing. No heat and flammables. No need for a dedicated anything other than a jar for the liquid.


03/01/2023 08:40 PM
OC that was harsh!
regarding OP 1: Wax has some great appeal but not the best for all, or even most, of course depends hugely on your sandbox. In mine, some water, some dust, some grime. Sometimes a lot of water and mud. Used wax and versions in central VA for years and in all conditions, but the for me the love is gone.
That's just me in my locale. For example, if you ride in sand a lot dry wax might be your best option.
Cosmic Kid


03/02/2023 09:44 AM
Give me your tips.

Start with a new chain.

Completely strip the factory-applied coating (that is NOT a lubricant....it is applied to stop chains from rusting before they are sold). I'll soak mine in mineral spirits for at least 24 hours, drain it and then soak it again for another 24 hours. Then let it soak in Denatured Alcohol for a day. Repeat one more time. It should be fairly well stripped at that point. (This elongated process is only required for the stripping of the factory coating, which is damn near impossible to fully remove).

I'm a fan of the Silca Hot Wax melt for the initial treatment....melt in a crock pot, drop the chain it, let soak. Silca has good videos on how to do this. Pro tip - make sure you weave the chain over a bent spoke so you can easily fish it out of the hot wax safely.

Let cool and install....you can then top off the chain with Silca Super Secret drip wax. I usually apply it ~150 miles, depending on the riding conditions. More miles for road, lesss for gravel.
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!


03/02/2023 10:23 AM

Once the chain is clean and waxed do you ever re-wax or just treat with the drip wax?

Don't you have an ultrasonic cleaner for your chains?
Cosmic Kid


03/02/2023 11:25 AM
Once the chain is clean and waxed do you ever re-wax or just treat with the drip wax?

Mostly drip wax.....I'll hot wax every few months, depending on riding conditions. To do that, you can just drop the dirty chain into the hot wax and it forces all the crap out of the chain.

I'll also use the Silca wipes sometimes before applying the drip wax just to remove any surface contaminants.

Don't you have an ultrasonic cleaner for your chains?

Yup...so if I am restripping a chain, I'll definitely use that. But generally the ultrasonic cleaners aren't very efficient at stripping the factory coating, so I use the above process. You could also use the ultrasonic cleaner after you do the mineral spirits above.

The initial stripping / waxing phase is definitely a bit of a PITA, but once you get a chain waxed, upkeep is actually pretty simple.
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!
Orange Crush


03/02/2023 05:53 PM
Oof, this sounds more painful that waxing those hairy legs CK. Bahaha.


03/02/2023 07:00 PM
Posted By Orange Crush on 03/02/2023 05:53 PM
Oof, this sounds more painful that waxing those hairy legs CK. Bahaha.

OC, you wax those chains so you don't dull your blades shaving them.  It really is labor saving.
Cosmic Kid


03/03/2023 07:21 AM
The only part that sucks is getting off the factory coating….but you should be doing that regardless of what chain lubricant you use. So that is a wash, really.

From there, it is a pretty quick process and not really any more tedious than regular chain lubrication.
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!


03/03/2023 09:20 AM
Is this the stuff you use?




or do you go full on bonkers with this?


I'm not sure I want to drop $165 on chain wax
Cosmic Kid


03/03/2023 06:07 PM
Yeah, the first two links….the wax blend and then the drip lube.

Have no idea what that last one is…but no way I’m dropping $165!!
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!
Orange Crush


03/03/2023 07:55 PM
That’s more coin than some bikes I’ve owned were worth.

(Statement not adjusted for inflation)
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