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Impaled by handlebar?!
Last Post 10/09/2022 09:34 PM by Frederick Jones. 7 Replies.
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09/10/2022 06:58 AM
Mountain-biker has front wheel turn sharply, sends handlebar 5" into leg. 




09/10/2022 09:27 PM
Yikes! Bar ends have long been required on road bikes for this reason.


09/11/2022 12:11 PM
I had a close call like that a few years ago. I crashed otb mountain biking and landed stomach first on my handlebar, but due to the angle of my fall the bar ended up only grazing my stomach, otherwise... I still have the scar lol. It did not feel very good at the time but when I realized what could have happened I felt a whole lot better. Yay for bar end plugs.


10/08/2022 10:33 AM
I was doored when I was 15. UO-8. Right lever hit the door. I slid forward, hit both bar ends, did a CX style dismount as the bike pivoted into the middle of the street and wound up standing, facing back from where I came with no damage whatsoever besides twisted HBs and levers and two deep 1" circular bruises in my thighs. Twisted the bars back to roughly straight and rode home. (The bike and I fared far better than the door.)

So, yes, plugs! Any plugs. Corks even. But anything is far better than trying cookie cutters on that dough they call thigh muscle.


10/08/2022 08:12 PM
Not doored, but I ran into a car leaving the curb many years back. Apparently it was not its first incursion into traffic since the left front fender was quite crinkled. I still have a couple of scars on my right ring finger and pinky where I hit the crinkled fender while braking. I stayed upright but the departing car drove on obliviously.


10/09/2022 07:38 PM
Hey Ben,
Thanks for your story.
The angel on one of my shoulders tells me to respond "Sorry you got doored by a clearly stupid, dangerous, inconsiderate driver. Bad luck that". . . Meanwhile, the smartass devil on the other shoulder says "What did you expect with Mafac brakes? I designed those brakes personally!"

Attempted humor aside, hope you recovered fully from that episode.


10/09/2022 07:53 PM
Posted By Frederick Jones on 10/09/2022 07:38 PM
Hey Ben,
Thanks for your story.
The angel on one of my shoulders says "Sorry you got doored by a clearly stupid, dangerous, inconsiderate driver. Bad luck that". . . Meanwhile, the smartass devil on the other shoulder says "what did you expect with Mafac brakes? I designed those brakes personally!"

Attempted humor aside, hope you recovered fully from that episode.

That dooring was NBD.  It was my next one 12 years later, same bike, same brakes that got me.  Wrecked shoulder, mild concussion.  Helmet saved my ear by deflecting the door back in and my head out.  (Both cases were compete ambushes.  I had no way of seeing that anybody was in the car.  Both were the only car parked on the street.  For both I knew there was a car behind me.  First was parked under a streetlight so I couldn't see n the windows.  2nd, the driver was messing around the passenger seat floor looking for her kids toys.

And for both, my hands were nowhere near the brakes.  Even disks would have made zero difference.  But on the first, that door and the Mafac lever that hit it activated the rear brake, helping with bike control.  (And TG my fingers were not there!)


10/09/2022 09:34 PM
Thanks Ben Ignore that wrong devil
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