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Not like Froome
Last Post 05/15/2013 11:51 AM by Michael Carbajal. 8 Replies.
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05/14/2013 08:36 PM
Uran quote; "I don’t know what will happen, but [Sergio] Henao and I are different than Froome. We always work for the team and we’ve never had any problems with the team,” Urán said. “We are not like Froome. I came here with the idea of helping the squad, whatever the goals may be. We shall see. We have to take it day by day.” Wow that's quite statement. Article on VNews


05/14/2013 09:27 PM
Froome always works for the "Team" too,he has no problems with the "Team" either. I think Uran is talking out of both sides of his mouth and the "Team" won't be too thrilled to read about it. Seems there are some stuff going on behind the scenes with that "Team".
Keith Richards


05/14/2013 09:28 PM
Meals will be quiet affairs at the Sky table.
----- It is his word versus ours. We like our word. We like where we stand and we like our credibility."--Lance Armstrong.
Cosmic Kid


05/14/2013 09:42 PM
Posted By inferno 7 on 05/14/2013 08:36 PM
. Article on VNews

Never heard of it.
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!
Orange Crush


05/14/2013 10:23 PM
One Facebook comment on the VN site from an apparent spanish speaker seemed to indicate the Uran was mis-understood and that it was basically meant to say that he's not a big name like Froome.

That...or the Sky melodrama continues (worse than Dallas!)
Ride On


05/15/2013 06:31 AM
The whole UCI points thing causes some interesting dynamics when it comes to 'helpers'. In the old days you had a good chance to keep your job just helping the boss. Nothing at all to gain by dropping him. In fact it was seen as a negative. Now a days as a helper you have to balance the tight rope of helping your leader and getting yourself some UCI points. With no points you can easily be out of a job. It really has caused some interesting team dynamics.


05/15/2013 10:20 AM
Posted By Ride On on 05/15/2013 06:31 AM
The whole UCI points thing causes some interesting dynamics when it comes to 'helpers'. In the old days you had a good chance to keep your job just helping the boss. Nothing at all to gain by dropping him. In fact it was seen as a negative. Now a days as a helper you have to balance the tight rope of helping your leader and getting yourself some UCI points. With no points you can easily be out of a job. It really has caused some interesting team dynamics.

The Race Appeal Classification might help make it more interesting. I understand teams wanting to control all aspects of a race but I'm more interested in letting the guys race rather than having stronger teams control the outcome.

  Race Appeal Classification


05/15/2013 10:27 AM
Agreed Orange. Lost in translation really stirs the crap up.

There is interpretation and there is translation. They are not the same.

An interpreter knows vernacular in both languages and are adept at understanding and choosing the appropriate words to accurately convey the message. Perfect examples are United Nations General Assembly interpreters.

A translator is someone who "studied Spanish in high school for 2 years and partied in Barcelona one summer" and uses an online translator. Most often found working for cycling-related websites.


05/15/2013 11:51 AM
Translate this into a foreign language: "Contador is a bad @$$ climber".

Spanish News reports "Contador is bad as a climber".
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