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Valverde, Giro and iinjuries
Last Post 05/03/2019 12:02 PM by 79 pmooney. 0 Replies.
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05/03/2019 12:02 PM
Valverde is to miss the Giro for the same injury that had him climb of the bike at L-B-L, coccyx and sacrum.  Apparently he injured them in a training crash prior to L-B-L.  I can relate.  I broke my coccyx years ago.  (Mine was really dumb.  Sailing days.  I wore a wetsuit and wetsuit booties at that time.  Was walking down to the boat with sails on one hand, rudder and centerboard bag in the other.  Slipped on wet wood and sat down hard.  Hurt!

A year later, I had been working long hours, riding a lot less and that tailbone was hurting all the time.  Went to an ortho.  One X-ray.  "Here's the problem.  I can fuse it.  Done it many times but there is always some chance of complications.  Your spinal cord is right there.  Or you can do PT and learn to live with it."  I chose the later.  It's still broken.

I'd gone to Selle Italia Turbo saddles as the older Selle Italias no longer worked for my soft parts, but that turned up tail meant guaranteed pain if I sat up, both then and later.  Put a huge damper on my riding.  10 years later I discovered the Geometry Comp seats,  Yeah!!  Then the Terry Flys.  Double yeah!!  (Both are low on center at the back so no talbone contact, either down on the bars or riding no-hands.)

Back to Valverde:  This isn't a show stopper in the big picture but he does have to recover and/or learn how to live with what he has.  Passing up 3 weeks of sure hell?  Yeah, I can understand!

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