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Colbrelli collapsed post-race
Last Post 03/21/2022 09:03 PM by Orange Crush. 2 Replies.
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Orange Crush


03/21/2022 11:30 AM
Not much known yet other than that he was rushed to hospital after getting medial attention at finish of Catalunia. He had Covid. Then recently he had bronchitis. There was a recent article about heart rhythm risks for athletes post-Covid, wondering if its related. Canada's junior soccer phenom Davids who plays for Bayern was a few months out after they detected issues with him during medical checkups. Be careful if you had it.


03/21/2022 08:45 PM
Medical pro here: I will add that it's not just some elite athletes tormented by covid. Afib (you can look it up) was the presenting (first) symptom for Covid for more than one medico I work with. They will spend the rest of their lives in and out of Cardiologist's offices and labs, and it will take a bit of luck to have a normal life span. Covid is a sneaky disease, most do OK, a few die, and many land in a nasty in-between land that does not exist in many places on the interweb and Fox News. But that third place is very real for many.
Orange Crush


03/21/2022 09:03 PM
Thanks LSD. And in case folks are wondering why Tim isn’t stringing out the peloton: https://www.cyclingnews.com/news/declercq-to-miss-cobbled-classics-with-very-small-chance-of-racing-paris-roubaix/
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