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Sexiest Wheel Change Ever!!
Last Post 09/08/2022 02:25 PM by christopher behrens. 12 Replies.
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Cosmic Kid


09/06/2022 02:39 PM
Was just talking with a friend about this movie and was reminded of the sexiest wheel change ever....Rae Dawn Chong is so smooth. Some pro mechanics could use some tips form her!!

Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!


09/06/2022 04:15 PM
Despite its flaws, I enjoyed that film. That scene was fantastic.
Cosmic Kid


09/06/2022 05:14 PM
Posted By christopher behrens on 09/06/2022 04:15 PM
Despite its flaws, I enjoyed that film. That scene was fantastic.

You and me both!! Cheesy, ridiculous and completely unrealistic....but fun to watch!
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!


09/06/2022 08:08 PM
Never saw the film but those brake cables and original (pre-trademark) skid lids bring back memories. And that was one impressive wheel change. 11 seconds - jumping out of the van to pushing off. Horizontal dropouts too. (Thru-axles? ) And the nice secure feeling of a flatted sewup. The curse that it flatted but not the "can I bring this bike to a standstill without incident?"

Memories! And more to come as I venture off in a few days to ride Cycle Oregon with modern (and much bigger) versions of those tires mounted on velodrome wheels. (GEL330s laced to gold super Suzue track hubs by a master, then tied as neatly as you will ever see and soldered perfectly. Absolutely the most perfect wheels I've laid hands on. Yes, I will be violating these wheels when I touch the brakes. But this is my last fixed Cycle Oregon and it's in the magic Painted Hills that I have never seen. I think Jen Featheringill will forgive me. (Her step-dad built them for her as showcase and warm-up wheels at the Nationals. Jen's been my ally ordering fix gear stuff through Bike Central for me for years and I got to watch her grow as a racer. Also spent many hour long visits to Bike Central, hanging out while Jen rode the rollers continuously for crash recovery. Took me back to my post TBI roller days. She's a warrior. I never got to see her big wins but I did get to watch her and a hotshot from LA with a big top end set the track record for a standing start two laps. Jen's pull from the start was jaw-dropping.)

And to honor and protect these rims, I'll be riding Vitt. Corsa Controls, 30c! That pavement is never getting close! I just rode my nice new GP4 wheels with same tires but 28c and got to see a mile of slight downhill; pure magic! So going to wheels that are straighter, truer and 150 grams lighter - should be pretty sublime. But the wheel change contest won't be. Both hubs are 15mm velodrome nutted.) Just had the thought that the bike of that film and mine are dinosaurs. And the bike and I will be spending the first rest day next week in Fossil.
Orange Crush


09/06/2022 08:08 PM
Boys, boys….

Two observations.

1. It takes a Canadian to execute a wheel change that sexy.
2. Wheel change aside this clip explains everything there is to know about the status and prospects of pro cycling in the US of A.


09/07/2022 10:12 AM


09/07/2022 05:06 PM


09/07/2022 11:58 PM
"He's shaving his legs"

Cosmic Kid


09/08/2022 09:05 AM
You guys are starting to intermix Breaking Away with American Flyers....the last two quotes were from BA. 😝

Same screenwriter, though...
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!


09/08/2022 12:10 PM
Yeah, Rae Dawn Chong was in American Flyers..my bad


09/08/2022 01:13 PM
I thought we were going off on a competing film - my favorite of the two, Breaking Away.

They should have let Tesich be an advisor during the filming(in both films) and hopefully avoided the silly technical mistakes.


09/08/2022 01:13 PM
Breaking Away is much more quotable ; )


09/08/2022 02:25 PM
Yes, I think that's probably it. It's over, Grandma...
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