October 22, 2024 Login  

Last Post 09/14/2023 01:29 PM by Michael Carbajal. 2 Replies.
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09/11/2023 07:38 PM
The granddaughter turns 4 next week. Besides loving the strider bike, she really likes the Nutcracker Ballet. When she stayed with us during Covid, she watched it many times a day. Later, when she had Covid and stayed home (nobody else in the house got it), that was the only thing she wanted to watch. We just got amazing seats at Lincoln Center to see the NYBC performance in December. Ballerinas can ride bikes too.
Cosmic Kid


09/12/2023 10:12 AM
That is awesome....I'm sure she is gonna love it. Enjoy every minute of it!!

When our middle daughter was a toddler, she was obsessed with a Sheryl Crow concert from the Kennedy Center we had on the DVR. She would watch it over and over....not certain what it was since we were not huge fans of her, but had happened to record that show.

Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!


09/14/2023 01:29 PM
I thought this might be a discussion on saddles.
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