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What's Nibili on?
Last Post 05/30/2017 12:16 PM by Michael Carbajal. 4 Replies.
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05/23/2017 06:56 PM
I don't usually call out riders but Nibali's performance today and it's similarity to last year has me wondering. Since the last doping scandal most GT riders hang with the climber's group and add a few seconds at the end of the climb, havea good TT or pulll a Froome and steal a few seconds with good tactics and heads up riding. I don't remember any contenders who lose minutes the first 2 weeks and then pull it all back in the last week by riding everyone off their wheel. Any observations?


05/24/2017 06:36 AM
First off, he had a good TT. Second, this stage was different. Multiple climbs that suited him vs one. Also a downhill finish where he is a better decender than most. This stage was made for him to make up ground. It should make for an interesting last week.
Gonzo Cyclist


05/24/2017 10:01 AM
Steelbikerider, do you remember last years Giro? Nibali was done in the 1st week, and then got the Gift of hi life when Kruijswik crashed, and the other contenders faded over time, he just had to hang around, wait for it to happen.
Jookey was right, the stage suited him to the "T", and it worked out for him



05/24/2017 11:28 AM
Nibali is also known as a "third week" guy who comes onto his own late in grand tours. His DS said a few days ago that he expected Nibali to pick it up and wasn't that worried about what had happened so far. And yes, Nibali is one of the great descenders. I was actually surprised he didn't do more damage yesterday. Too tires? Getting cautious? (He now has kids,doesn't he?) Others getting better?

Quintana also being a "third week" guy, these next few days ought to be good! Quintana does need another minute into Nibali IMO for buffer for the TT.



05/30/2017 12:16 PM
Nibali, 3rd overall @40 seconds. Good last week as expected. Funny, he lost exactly 40 seconds on Blockhaus. Would have been interesting had he not had a bad day. Then again, the race would have been less interesting had Dumoulin not had a $h!itty day.
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