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Geneviève Jeanson- abuse in cycling
Last Post 04/02/2021 11:08 AM by Orange Crush. 3 Replies.
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04/02/2021 09:35 AM

Orange Crush


04/02/2021 10:25 AM
Lifetime ban is only answer for these arseholes. This is a problem in almost all sports.


04/02/2021 11:00 AM
I posted the second comment there.

"Thank you Geneviève for saying eloquently what needs to be said. I was a fan of you all through your career, Was blinded to EPO for a long time (and not just with you) but would have loved to see you ride in a world without that drug.

Geneviève owned the mountain 150 miles north of where I raced. I suspect she could have better the 1 hour record that stood in my day without the EPO. I never saw her race but loved watching her climb in footage and photos. I was a mountain goat. She could have been my far more talented sister. She had a grit I loved seeing. But reading her words on the abuse she saw from very young - gut wrenching. Her words here of making the sport a safe place for women so they stay in it after their racing careers and be eyes, ears, mentors and spokeswomen for the the women riders - simply, yeah! The sport is saturated with former male riders. All good. Now let's see the same with women. But first, as Geneviève points out, the racing scene has to be a place where women are and feel safe."
Orange Crush


04/02/2021 11:08 AM
On a somewhat related and lighter note.

Yesterday I came across an article that Swiss army is finally adopting women’s specific underwear instead of forcing them to wear men’s garments. I flagged it mentally as this has to be an April fools joke. But no, it’s for reals. That’s the kinda world we still live in. Lots of work to do.
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