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Last Post 10/23/2021 08:52 PM by smokey 52. 9 Replies.
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Orange Crush


10/21/2021 08:02 PM
Cyclists are a crazy bunch. From consuming horse meat and horse doping products in the old days to this. No clear performance enhancement could just as well be a placebo. What Velonews article doesn’t mention is that the actual product packages were found w team doctor during TDF raid on Bahrain team (a Dutch article has the documents of raid and put one and one together ( so presumably it’s actually being used. But why? https://www.velonews.com/news/road/french-study-spinal-cord-injury-drug-detected-in-tour-de-france-riders/


10/22/2021 09:13 AM
Maybe Tinazidine relaxes hair like it does muscles. They are using it to improve their public image? (This is entertainment that mascarades as sport, no?) Post race helmet hair could be a real issue for some.
Cosmic Kid


10/22/2021 09:34 AM
during TDF raid on Bahrain team

Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!


10/22/2021 09:43 AM
OC, it's Tizanidine, not Tina somebody. The VeloNews article makes it sound hard to get but I Googled it. Granger carries it. There are coupons to be had.

More seriously, it is also used to ease opiate and alcohol withdrawal and recreationally for a calming high and even hallucinations. Addicting. The tabs are 2-4mg but it gets used in doses up to 35mg for the high.

I wonder if we are seeing the start of a new recreational drug trend that probably won't win bike races but might sink a few racers. Perhaps balloon to the next general crisis. The folk who I predict will not do anything to slow this will the makers of Zanaflex and Sirdalud. (Wouldn't want to upset the happy stockholders.)
Orange Crush


10/22/2021 10:35 AM
Haha, yes I butchered the name.

Sounds like it may simply be used to aid sleeping, relaxing aching muscles meaning better rest.

Of course relaxing your hair means it fits easier in helmet, so it could be that too.
Cosmic Kid


10/22/2021 11:06 AM
may simply be used to aid sleeping, relaxing aching muscles meaning better rest.

Given the increased focus on recovery over the last few years, this is probably it.

Also worth noting that use of this drug does not constitute doping....at least technically. Morally / ethically could be a different story.
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!
Orange Crush


10/22/2021 11:18 AM
Posted By Cosmic Kid on 10/22/2021 11:06 AM
Also worth noting that use of this drug does not constitute doping....at least technically. Morally / ethically could be a different story.

I would guess that the raid was more about the team doctor prescribing a drug that is not meant to be used in a sporting context - the ethical aspect of that, Of course Erzen's protestations are unhelpful. Look, if you're using it and you think it's fine, just be open about it (just like some teams are open about ketones and others are not).

Cosmic Kid


10/22/2021 11:50 AM
Oh, my guess is that the raid was looking for other products and this just turned up as a bonus.

it is a bit similar to AICAR back in the late 00's....benefits akin to EPO (plus weight loss!) but was not illegal to use at the time. Doping? Not technically, but ethically it certainly was.

I still remain convinced that -7 was using AICAR during his comeback...which allows him to maintain that he raced "clean".
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!


10/22/2021 06:50 PM
I've been taking Tizanidine for over a decade. It does help me sleep and relaxes my body. I never take it during the day because its can make me drowsy. Bust now that I'm retired if I'm having a really bad back day I will take one if I know I won't be going anywhere. Not that I makes me loopy but I just get tired. Last choice if I wanted to get better performance doing something.


10/23/2021 08:52 PM
It takes a while for chemicals to get into the hair. It could not be a "morning of race" doping event.
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