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It's for my dog. Really.
Last Post 03/04/2023 10:58 PM by Orange Crush. 5 Replies.
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03/03/2023 11:30 AM
Katrina Nash got bagged for capromorelin in an out-of-competition test.  Her story - she was giving the drug orally to her dog in its last weeks.  A messy procedure and she got the stuff on her heads often, never thinking about it.  (Nor did the packaging contain warnings of transdermal absorption.)

This happened in the US.  Travis Tygard got involved.  Nash is a big name in the sport.  USADA had tests done to see if that mode of intake was possible.  Yes, transdermal absorption can be readily duplicated.  She was spared the 4 year sentence and had no race results removed.

Happy result but I (and Tygart) know the outcome for a lesser rider would probably have been very different.  Sounds like this might be Tygart's next mission - a fairer system that yes, bags the dopers but also spares those caught by the incredible web of drugs we have out there everywhere and how easily one can ingest enough to flunk a test with zero either intention or awareness.  I'd love to see Tygart take this on.  He is the man at the time, place and power to accomplish this, he's smart, he's persistent and he's passionate.  UCI cannot make him go away.

I've never been a fan of Nash.  She kept beating some of my favorites.  (Saw her race here in Portland CX.)  But the story of caring for her dog in its last days - a woman at the farmer's market I've gotten close to took me aside after her dog passed to tell me of his last months, weeks, days.  Right up to his passing in her arms. After writing that, I feel a soft place in my heart for Nash.  May this be a sad time that brings real change to the sport we love.  And may Nash continue in this sport as long as her love for it holds and may she be surrounded with love.

Dogs.  People.  Tygart strikes me as a bulldog.+


03/03/2023 07:30 PM
So did her pet smash records after taking this doggie PED?
Cosmic Kid


03/04/2023 10:01 AM
I tend to be really skeptical of the excuses given by pro riders after they get busted, but this seems pretty plausible to me.
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!
Orange Crush


03/04/2023 10:20 AM
LSD - the dog supposedly died since it was in its last week.

Indeed this one seems plausible but I’m with Ben, any lesser known rider would have been caught in grinding wheel of anti doping. Tygerts quest will be mission impossible.


03/04/2023 09:55 PM
Posted By Orange Crush on 03/04/2023 10:20 AM
LSD - the dog supposedly died since it was in its last week.

Indeed this one seems plausible but I’m with Ben, any lesser known rider would have been caught in grinding wheel of anti doping. Tygerts quest will be mission impossible.
I thought I read "weeks".

Tygart's a bulldog.  UCI might give a little just to get him off their neck.  That is, if Tygart decides this is his next challenge.   (If anyone at UCI was around for the LA show, I doubt they've forgotten.)
Orange Crush


03/04/2023 10:58 PM
Week, weeks, the dog died last fall.

Tygart can be old the pitbull he is, it’s an unsolvable problem. And he’s have to deal with WADA. It’s got nothing to do with UCI.
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