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Peter Sagan
Last Post 07/07/2023 10:31 AM by Cosmic Kid. 3 Replies.
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06/29/2023 09:43 AM
3-month jail sentence and suspended license for scooting drunk.
Cosmic Kid


06/29/2023 11:16 AM
The jail sentence got suspended, though...

Time for him to finally go away. He has always been this person but too many people overlooked it because he did fun stuff on a bike.

Podium girl incident, the foul t-shirt while filling up his car, assaulting a cop while violating COVID protocols....the list goes on.

See ya, Sagan....don't let the door hit in the ass on the way out.
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!


06/29/2023 09:37 PM
Different view here, as I agree with fictional character and greater truth teller Ted Lasso: judge people by their best efforts more than their worst. Sagan did some really stupid stuff, but he matured. I was lucky to attend his first world's win, and his winner's speech in Richmond in 2015. His humble and gracious comments were extraordinary mature, dare I say inspirational. Some will never forgive his stupid stuff, but I do. Covid cost him a season or so in his later prime. Too bad, because this rider surely could put on a show when near or at his best.
Cosmic Kid


07/07/2023 10:31 AM
judge people by their best efforts more than their worst

Conversely, Maya Angelou said when someone shows who they are, believe them. 😉
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!
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