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Jack Teixeira. From my neck of the woods
Last Post 04/21/2023 07:56 PM by 79 pmooney. 1 Replies.
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04/14/2023 11:27 AM
Just read the several NY Times articles on him and his doings. Of Otis Airforce Base at the root of Cape Cod. Of his home town, Dighton.

All close to home. I grew up 40 miles north of Dighton off the same road that runs from Boston to Fall River; an early industrial city. I spent a college summer living in Pocasset, the Cape side of Buzzards Bay and working directly across the bay. 5 miles by boat which I sailed once and 25 by road. In typical college oblivion to the huge, hidden air base a hop and a skip form Pocasset other than uniformed men and camouflage vehicles being common.

I find this whole affair pretty sick. Question after question. Why is "Top Secret" so common that just about anyone can achieve it? How does one move up in the military and never get the word on the importance of keeping secrets? How can anyone with any level of patriotism violate their orders and the trust put in them so blatantly? (He was IT tasked with keeping secrets safe from hackers and foreign agents. He took the info he didn't even have to hack to get and put it on a near public server where this info was quickly disseminated to the world at large.)

I see these issues as running through the entire chain of command. Any general allowing this level of crap to happen simply isn't doing his job.

Perhaps I am skewed in my expectations. My dad kept the secrets he was entrusted with. I didn't learn until his service 13 years ago that he was in on the very early development of the starlight scope that revolutionized night combat in Vietnam. He brought those drawing home to check. And we were never allowed to go into his study. (He had degrees in electronics and physics, specializing in optics from MIT and worked for a couple of post WW2 defense companies in the '50s and '60 so really, not a great surprise.) The idea that you kept what was given to you in confidence secret? Well, that's just what we did.


04/21/2023 07:56 PM
Latest NY Times disclosure - Teixeira apparently had been posting to a Discord chat group 10 times the size of his Thugs since the very beginning of the Ukraine war. Which raises another question. How the heck does this come to light via a private newspaper? This is an intelligence issue. Don't we have one or more intelligence outfits to oversee and quash such leaks. Teixeira should have been arrested and silenced long before the NY Times got any word of this.

I wonder just how much the Russians have gained from the Times disclosure. For a while (even before this last bit) I've wondered how much damage they might be doing. But after this last piece - our "Intelligence" needs a swift kick in the pants. This shaming from the NY Times in front of the entire world might just do the trick. If so, right on, Times!
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