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New shoes, left leg falling asleep
Last Post 03/19/2015 11:19 AM by thinline .. 36 Replies.
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10/14/2013 04:18 PM
This is weird. Just picked up a pair of the new Specialized S-Works road shoes and have found my left leg going numb along with my foot completely falling asleep even on short rides. I don't have much power to begin with so this definitely sucks. The shoes are replacing 2012 S-Works. Same exact size. When trying them on at the store, they felt like slippers and very, very similar to my other shoes. Pretty disappointed because I wanted them for over a year and paid a lot. My theory is that it's because the Boa cables are placed a bit higher up and are on top of a thinner tongue. I think it's digging into my foot and cutting off some of the circulation. Why my leg is going numb doesn't make sense though.
Cosmic Kid


10/14/2013 04:26 PM
have you tried the older shoes since getting the new ones? If not, do that and see if the same thing happens.

have you changed anything else recently, like the saddle?
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!


10/14/2013 08:16 PM
Maybe it has something to do with your cleat placement. Perhaps it's changed the say you sit on your saddle and is pinching a nerve is you ars or ass. Does seem strange that you leg would go numb, but what do I know.


10/15/2013 01:12 AM
Could the shoes have different thicknesses, changing your effective saddle heights?



10/15/2013 07:07 AM
I have had similar experience with new shoes but only in the foot and not in the leg and took me months to get it right. I found that if the pain is at the bottom of your feet, the ratchet/strap is too tight. So start with it really loose and tighten as you go until you feel the pain coming. If the pain is on the side of the feet, then it’s arch support.

I’ve been using Super Feet insole for arch support, which has helped. Comes in three colors for low, Med and High arch support. Finally make sure the ball of your feet is sitting directly on the pedal and not in front of it. Play with the positioning of the cleat from side to side. Take an Allen key with you and adjust it back and forth while riding, you’ll immediately feel it. My left foot cleat is positioned differently than my right. Finally new shoes have to be broken in so it may be just a matter of time.


10/15/2013 08:59 AM
Sorry - My fault your mistake - Pain at the side is too tight and on the bottom it's support.
Cosmic Kid


10/15/2013 10:32 AM
Good call by mondonico on possible cleat placement issues. Definitely check that.
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!


10/15/2013 12:02 PM
One reason I never change brands of shoes. Long time Shimano user. I use Specialized shoe inserts (green). I used Superfeet for years. I prefer the Specialized. I have high arches and the Specialized provide more midfoot support.

I suppose if you are pinching a nerve, associated with saddle height. The thing to do would be to lower your saddle a tad. Maybe a couple of mm's.


10/15/2013 01:34 PM
Just returned from a quick ride, albeit a hard one up a nearby climb. Wore my old shoes and found that my foot didn't fall asleep. Well, maybe just a little but they were substantially more comfortable because the wire over the tongue wasn't digging into my foot. I mounted the cleats on the new shoes exactly the same and haven't changed anything else. No new saddle, pedals or seat height.

I'd say I have my answer now but I'm still feeling very sluggish and weak. Was a bit worried that it would turn out to be yet another blood-clot/DVT but it isn't swollen or painful at all. Still, something is amiss.


10/15/2013 01:42 PM
Maybe you should see a doc, just in case...


10/15/2013 07:57 PM
KR turned me onto the LeMond LeWedges a few years back and found they did the trick to calm the hot spots and feet falling asleep for me. VN forum = highly recommended.
Orange Crush


10/16/2013 11:35 AM
Foot falling asleep is likely attributable to shoe but entire leg going numb would tend to indicate a need for (more) stretching; that's the only thing that worked for me when I had similar problems.


10/16/2013 12:11 PM
6ix, the Specialized shoes come with supportive insoles. Check to see if they are the same in both sets of shoes. From their website, Red = minimal contours for riders that prefer minimal support. Blue = moderate (slightly higher longitudinal arch & metatarsal button) = for people with flat to standard arch. Green = significant support = for people with standard or high arches


10/18/2013 09:43 AM
Thanks for all of the suggestions!! I was actually using the same insoles from the old shoes even though they appear to be identical to the red ones supplied with the new shoes. I took a really close look at the two shoes and noticed that the Boa wire that runs across the top of the shoe (above the tongue) is higher on the new shoes. This is probably why they feel like they are pinching my feet. It's only about 8-10mm difference but it's definitely noticeable. Since the tongue is so thin, it exacerbates the problem.

Funny that Jacques mentioned LeWedges as I actually have a set of those sitting around!

The most comfortable shoes I've ever worn were Carnac Ellipses. They have a super soft and squishy neoprene upper. Sure, they were incredibly heavy but they worked. Unfortunately, Carnac has all but disappeared.
Keith Richards


10/18/2013 04:56 PM
I swear be LeWedges! I have two on my left foot and one on my right. Keeps everything moving in a straight line.

I tried the Specialized shoes when they first came out with their body geometry sole and insoles. Just didn't feel as good as my Sidi Genius shoes. Been wearing the same brand and model for almost 20 years.
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