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Last Post 01/27/2015 08:44 AM by carl x. 6 Replies.
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Red Tornado


01/26/2015 10:13 AM
After taking several months off due to stress levels, job-related issues, a general decline in my energy level and loss of passion for cycling I finally got back in the saddle in December.  Following my 2nd ride, I suffered a substantial allergy attack (the Cedar is really potent this time of year in central Texas) that in less than 24 hours mutated into the worst sinus infection I think I've ever experienced.  That infection also triggered my asthma, which has been gradually creeping back into my life for the few years, to the point where the inhaler was having no effect.  I suffered with asthma as a kid but it gradually decreased as I went through high school, but has come back with a vengeance the last few years.  I'm told that is a possibility as you get older and I'll be 48 in May.
Three+ weeks and some serious antibiotics later, I am back on the bike at somewhere around 2/3 - 3/4 of the form I was in before being waylaid by the sinus infection.  Also with the aid of Singulair, which I'm told I may need to stay on if I want to continue with endurance sports considering the allergy potential of this area and my asthmatic condition, I could actually move enough air to make the rides enjoyable.
Anyway, it sure was good to just get out and enjoy some fun riding.  Now to just lay down some base miles without any further interruptions.
On the bright side I enjoyed my rides immensely, which is a HUGE improvement from late summer/fall of 2014.  Hoping the cycling stays positive from here on out with the help of modern medicine  and an improved outlook on work and other "stuff".......


01/26/2015 10:26 AM
Good luck with the challenges, and good for you for keeping at it.
I'll commiserate with you on the joys of South Texas cedar pollen in January. Otherwise though it's a pretty nice place to spend a winter.


01/26/2015 10:52 AM
hi Red Tornado, I too suffer from allergies, though primarily in the spring when the trees are blooming. I find that if I flush my sinuses twice daily using a neti pot, I can keep the sinus infections away. Before using a neti pot, I would get the sinus infections like you described. Look into it.
Red Tornado


01/26/2015 12:07 PM
LSD-Yes besides the allergies it's great place to spend winter. Last two wknds have been mid-upper 60's & sunny. Hard to beat that in January. Stinky-Have used the neti pot off & on for several years. Last few months did not and I agree that probably would have made the diff. Generally seems like the common cold is not as prevalent here as up north (from Indiana originally), but lots of folk seem to get these major sinus infections, I think mostly due to the Cedar. I know some people that get hit every year no matter what preventive measures they take. The good weather does go a long way to making up for that, though.
Orange Crush


01/26/2015 01:22 PM
I have no experience with it but Katie Compton's performance this weekend is telling of what can happen to a top athlete when asthma rears its head. An uncharacteristic 21st finish I think.

Interestingly I was hugely allergic as a kid growing up in Netherlands all the way through to university. Then I moved to North America, allergies almost completely disappeared. No idea why but I'll take it.

Good luck working through it and keep on riding.


01/26/2015 04:11 PM
Congrats on getting back on the bike and finding your enthusiasm!

I used to have mild allergies in So Cal, but they went away when I moved to the PNW, except for a brief period in the spring when one particular plant blooms. Good luck.


01/27/2015 08:44 AM
KFC looked like she was dying when they got a close up of her. i don't wish asthma on anyone. i had it when i was a kid but i think it was more stress related. the only up side (if you can call it that) is the ephedrine pills. no wonder that stuff is no longer over the counter.
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