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Last Post 08/16/2022 09:48 PM by Orange Crush. 12 Replies.
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Cosmic Kid


12/15/2021 11:58 PM
Alright….let’s do this!! 12 of us from our regular group got in today for the 2022 edition. Can’t wait!!!
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!


12/16/2021 08:18 AM
Oh wow, super cool! When is it? September? Are you going to be team leader?
Cosmic Kid


12/16/2021 08:59 AM
August 14….yeah, technically I am a “team leader” for one of our teams of 4, but that is really just for registration. One guy registers all 4 riders to ensure the team stays together through the selection process.

The irony is that we are gonna have a huge contingent from our club, but I won’t be wearing our kit. I got accepted onto the ENVE Racing Team this year and SBT GRVL is one of the team races for 2022, so I’ll be wearing my ENVE kit.
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!
Orange Crush


12/16/2021 01:55 PM
That's a nice area to gravel.

I will be drawing further on the BC gravel whiteboard in 2022. Tentative plans are 3 Kamloops area rides in May, the epic 200kms 5000+ m Fraser Canyon loop (three times postponed over 2 years due to epic rain, Covid and epic fires) early June, Fairmont/Radium hotsprings area rides in August (3 rides and 8 hikes) and then another 3 Kamloops area rides in fall colours (October). Solo or with select club members embracing the slowly spooned pain. The hotprings area rides and hikes with my wife.
Cosmic Kid


03/01/2022 04:10 PM
Adding to the list....just grabbed a slot for Big Sugar in Bentonville AR on Oct. 22.

Shaping up to be a big gravel year...Driftless 100 on Apr 30, SBT GRVL in August and now Big Sugar in October.
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!
Orange Crush


03/01/2022 08:00 PM
So you done the injury?
Cosmic Kid


03/02/2022 08:48 AM
Seem to be....been back on the bike for 2 weeks, mostly endurance riding on the trainer. Have gotten up to 2.5 hours with only minor discomfort. Ended up spending big $$ to get one of the Specialized 3D printed saddles and adjusting the tilt slightly on it to get semi-comfortable. Things are slowly improving....

The good news is that I managed to get out yesterday at lunch for an hour ride and never even thought about "the area", so I am taking that as a big win.
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!
Orange Crush


03/04/2022 09:38 PM
Just what we need, more tilted saddles in our midst LOL.

Good to hear you’re on the mend.
Cosmic Kid


03/05/2022 11:43 AM
LOL…it is only down a degree or two and it may just be where the original trainer saddle was.

No changes to the saddles on my road and gravel bike. 😎
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!
Cosmic Kid


08/16/2022 12:22 PM
Tough day for the home team on Sunday….I came into the race as fit as I have ever been. Set a new FTP record of 4w / KG (276w) and all my buddies were saying I was crushing it.

Despite this, I was determined to ride my own pace in SBT and not get sucked into anything early. No reason to burn matches in a 140 mile race at altitude.

Did a good taper…backed off the intensity two weeks before the race and then added some back in the week leading up to it, but slashed the volume. I was flying.

Gun goes off and I never felt good all day….🥴. I was barely holding my buddies’ wheels and just felt flat. Dunno if it was the altitude or what. Just a struggle all day.

We get to mile 80 and that is the start of a 20 mile climb….we get a little over halfway up to a rest stop and they thankfully have cold cokes and wet, cold towels. I knock back half a coke, wiper myself down and we get going again. I felt a little better on the final sustained 5.5 miles, but cracked in the last mile to the summit. Cloud cover also came in and then it started raining in the last 2 miles. Luckily I had packed my ShakeDry jacket, which was perfect.

Had to descend in the rain…got to the same aid station as before and shortly after we left we hit a short roller that was like peanut butter because of the rain. Only 50m long, but my legs just didn’t have the power to stay with my buddies and they gapped me over the top and the gap just grew on the descent.

They cruised and I finally caught back up 2 climbs later and they I groveled on their wheels to the line. Best my goal time of 9 hours (8:56), but it was just a sufferfest, which means I had a soft target.

Went back and looked at my data and i my ride had a .69 IF score…which should have felt like I was on cruise control all day. Just a bad day at the worst time. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️

Great race, great course….the organization was fantastic. I had my two older daughters out there with me and they were fantastic support. Driving back to Chicago now after spending yesterday in Boulder and Denver.

Next up is Big Sugar in October….but I may bail on it. Pretty disappointed after this weekend and need to reevaluate.
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!
Orange Crush


08/16/2022 01:03 PM
Impressive speed for the distance and vertical. That would have been a 12 hr ride at my lowly speed.

Been cruising at a very lowly vacation speed in last weeks, with my wife and our good friends. Our foursome included Canadian National Champ Master's crit racing and runner up in Nationals masters road race (the winner was a former pro of Festina "fame"). His presence didn't improve our average but lots of fun was had and he even drank some beer (he's back off the wagon and onto track racing in meantime). We did one endurance ride as just the two of us, which is always interesting, he must be holding back massively in my presence (although speaking of elevation effects, I did have to nurse him up Mauna Kea a few years ago which was only the second time the tables got turned in the 30 years we've known each other).


08/16/2022 08:49 PM
Great post CK. Thanks for taking us with you. Good luck for renewed power and confidence,
OC, great stories too.
Orange Crush


08/16/2022 09:48 PM
Also CK as you contemplate Big Sugar also consider my moto. Gravel enjoyment is inversely proportional to speed. Or as a take on Ten Dams hashtag #livefastrideslow.
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