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Last Post 07/20/2023 10:06 AM by Cosmic Kid. 18 Replies.
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Cosmic Kid


11/15/2022 03:02 PM
The next adventure awaits.....June 10 in Lahti, Finland. 177km and just under 10k feet of climbing. NO flats, just constant up and down it looks like.

Looks like we will have 7 guys heading out from our area to partake in the event....can't wait!!
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!


11/15/2022 04:52 PM
That sounds sick! What an adventure
Orange Crush


11/15/2022 05:44 PM
Interesting, I had not thought of Finland as a major gravel destination, too many trees obstructing views, and surprised there's 10k in elevation in the country. But saw a trip report from someone on social media and it looked pretty descent (although at same time not super convinced; curious what you'll find). June 10 you should have lots of daylight. I believe we had a forumite from thereabouts, Jussi?

I will properly start my season April 15, Amstel Gold Cyclo. 240 kms including all the hills I rode in my youth, as in all of them all at once. Will also head to Roubaix for mostly spectating. Intending to hit up women's race via gravel bike as I learned the other week France has a ton of awesome gravel farm roads. Who needs cobbles LOL. I may actually try to crash the cobbled course after women are passed but if that doesn't work there's more gravel.


11/15/2022 06:22 PM
That Strava profile looks like my resting EKG presurgery ; )
Cosmic Kid


11/16/2022 10:19 AM
That Strava profile looks like my resting EKG presurgery ; )

LOL....here is the profile for anyone interested.


OC, sounds like you are set for a grand time....full trip report will be mandatory!!

Surprisingly, registration is still open if anyone wants to jump in!
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!
Cosmic Kid


05/03/2023 02:14 PM
So I kinda hit a snag in my plans for Finland....was in Palm Beach, FL last week for a work event. Was coming off the island across a drawbridge and I tussled with a traffic barrel. Suffice to say the barrel won...

Went over the bars and bounced pretty good...amazingly, I had no road rash and didn't tear my kit. I did, however, bruise my ribs but good. BY the time I made it the 15 miles back to my hotel, I could tell something was up and the next day (Sunday) was very painful. On Tuesday, I waws supposed to fly home, but my rib muscles were spasming and it was extremely painful. There was zero chance I was gonna be able to pack my bike up. Pushed my flight home back a day...

Went to urgent care, but they were no help other than confirming via x-ray that they were bruised and not broken. Ended up taking my bike to a shop and having them pack my bike into my case. I then went to an acupuncturist and they were able to get the spasms to quiet down enough that I could fly home the next day.

Had another acupuncture appt once I got home and the improvement was amazing....went in walking like an old man and left with noticeably improved range of motion and much less pain. When I got hme my wife immediately said "OMG...you look SO much better!!"

ANyway, I finally got back on the bike yesterday after 10 days...did an hour of Z2 work and then another 90 min today, but that was definitely a stretch for me as I was pretty uncomfortable by the end.

We leave in a month, so I am now just planning on cramming in as many Z2 miles as I can....once we get there, I will either tell my buddies to just let me ride at my own pace or I will opt for one of the shorter events. But no way I am going to miss this event!!

We'll see how it goes.....but bruised ribs are the fookin' worst. I sneezed 2 days ago and it damn near dropped me to my knees.
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!
Orange Crush


05/03/2023 04:37 PM
Ouch CK, heal up. Saw the Z2 note on Strava this morning and figured you must be hit by Covid or something which seems to be doing rounds everywhere.

Just reading this makes the rib I cracked ~10 years ago from a black ice crash hurt. I took the bus to work the next day which was a major mistake LOL, the vibrations were extremely painful. After that figured I might as well keep riding because all the alternatives hurt as well.


05/03/2023 06:21 PM
In terms of pain, each rib is just like a shin bone. Even without a fracture, getting kicked in 4 or 6 or 10 shins is a big pain generator. Also, FWIW, X-rays can’t detect all rib fractures. If your pain doesn’t start easing after a week or so, fracture or fractures may be why. I hope you recover quickly.
Cosmic Kid


06/15/2023 03:54 PM
I managed to recover enough form the rib injury and jammed in enough training to make the trip....and wow, what a trip.

Just a spectacular country....stunningly gorgeous with engaging people. The route for the race was fantastic and varied...from canopied forest roads to doube-track fire roads to wide open gravel. All in great shape, too....probably could have ridden the race on a road bike w/ 35's. Would have been a bit under-biked in a few areas, but totally manageable.

One buddy and I kept a pretty solid pace for the first 100k, averaging ~18mph....but there was a third member of our group that was not with us, so we sat up at the aid station and waited. Once he got there, he was cramping so we nursed him the rest of the way to the finish. Which was fine...I can measure d*cks with these guys anytime, but riding and enjoying being in Finland was more important.

If anyone is looking for a great trip and event, definitely check it out.
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!
Orange Crush


06/15/2023 05:57 PM
Pics looked nice.

Did you do anything besides the event?
Cosmic Kid


06/16/2023 10:28 AM
Did you do anything besides the event?

Not a whole lot....we landed on Thursday afternoon, and took the train up to Lahti. On Friday we did the shakeout ride and poked around Lahti a little bit. Was pretty cool to go up to the top of the ski jump there and look around. Majestic! Saturday was the race and then on Sunday we took the train back to Helsinki. Flew home on Monday.

I had wanted to get down to Helsinki early on Sunday so we could explore the city a bit, but the guys I was travelling with were interminably slow in packing their bikes up, so we didn't get down to the city until ~5:00. From there we found a beer hall, had a few drinks and then went to dinner.

As my wife's MS continues to get worse I try to minimize my time away from home. Dunno how many more trips like this I will be able to do.
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!
Orange Crush


06/16/2023 10:42 AM
Sorry to hear about your wife CK, that's tough. All the best.
Cosmic Kid


06/16/2023 03:20 PM
Appreciate it, OC....
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!


06/17/2023 07:50 PM
Secondary progressive? That's what my bride is dealing with. Frustrations mount. She would rather be a participant than a spectator.
As the Nonna, she would love to chase the grand kids, but she is thrilled when they snuggle up to read a book.


06/17/2023 09:20 PM
Glad to read that grandkids are bringing joy to fellow forumites. Me too :-)
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