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Giro Spoiler
Last Post 05/30/2023 06:49 PM by Frederick Jones. 58 Replies.
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05/24/2023 09:09 PM
Cyclingnews spilled a bit more about Tao Geoghegan Hart's hip injury: a fracture dislocation. This is easy to repair, but can be a catastrophic injury because healing is all about blood supply, and moving the femoral head (the ball in the hip joint ball and socket joint) can damage the blood supply to the femoral head, which can cause permanent damage, and eventually it falls apart. Not good.
If TGH's femoral head dies, current hip replacement tech could bring him back in or close to top form. (or sooner with Jack Daniels per Floyd, who had an overlapping hip issue.)
I wish him the best.
Another bone that has a vulnerable blood supply is the fractured scaphoid in TP's wrist. Definitely an injury that must be respected and given time to heal.


05/26/2023 03:42 PM
Tomorrow might be interesting.


05/27/2023 12:22 PM
That was fun to watch :-)


05/27/2023 07:06 PM
Wow Primoz for once unfu*ks up and spectacularly undoes some past bad juju. I loved it. Any other thoughts???


05/27/2023 08:44 PM
I was thinking you know what Thomas is going to do. Can Roglic not screw things up? (Really I was hoping Almeida would pull it out of the bag but knew that was somewhere between a very long shot and wishful thinking.)

22% Mt Washington's last pitch stuff. I made it up that pitch because I knew if I stopped, there was no chance I was getting to my toestrap in time.


05/28/2023 11:24 AM
OK, tech question - what was Roglic's low gear and what was Thomas'. Sounds like Roglic under geared Thomas on that climb. (Perhaps shades of Heras winning on that super steep Vuelta climb on a triple in the days of not-to-be-mentioned rider.)

The bigger piece for Roglic was that last ride had been the focus of his thoughts, dreams and life since January. He'd walked(?) up it in the dead of last winter. He also knew it from his former years of ski racing. (The fan who gave him a push start after his chain drop was a former ski teammate.)

Orange Crush


05/28/2023 11:41 AM
Definitely home crowd advantage for Roglic yesterday. Lucky wings.

And Cav today! Perfect. And Thomas pacing him, brilliant.

But first Giro in awhile that I watched zero live coverage.


05/28/2023 11:51 AM
First Giro I've watched in near entirety in a decade.

I must be missing something, because I thought the race was incredibly engaging.

And Cav's finish topped it off.


05/28/2023 01:41 PM
Yeah. Cavendish! Only right way to end this Giro. (Well, either Healy or Gee going solo would have been fun.)


05/28/2023 02:59 PM
Gee... All guts. Great to watch, hard not to root for.


05/28/2023 05:14 PM
Yes, great finish to the race. Cav's joy was shared by half the peloton - he has a lot of respect.

Did anyone read or see anything about the crash at the finish? I watched the replay in slo mo a few times: looked like the cause was a big UAE rider who veered way way right - a stupid, dangerous move. He may have got his back wheel into Milan's front wheel, but Milan must be really strong to stay upright. He went down hard - his fault - but took out others. Jerk.


05/28/2023 11:33 PM
Cav asked Thomas about a leadout. Thomas gave Cav his all. Cav then got on Gaviria. Game over.


I love that in the three week Tours you see far more than just hard nosed competition. You also see hearts extended to other riders, not just teammates.
Orange Crush


05/30/2023 03:11 PM
Posted By Frederick Jones on 05/27/2023 07:06 PM
Wow Primoz for once unfu*ks up and spectacularly undoes some past bad juju. I loved it. Any other thoughts???

when that chain dropped and after he got it back on, the guy pushing him was a former ski jumping teammate. They shared a room for 4 years. What are the odds? As Roglic put it, everything happens for a reason.


05/30/2023 06:49 PM
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