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World Cup 2022
Last Post 12/21/2022 01:20 PM by Dale Dale. 89 Replies.
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Orange Crush


11/26/2022 08:57 PM
Ben - wonder if that aversion of the American side had anything to do with Banana Wars which were still pretty recent at that time.


11/26/2022 09:16 PM
I'll have to look into it. (We never covered unpopular wars, etc. in US history in school. Sorta like studying mathematics without subtraction and division.)

Had a classmate in 6th grade who's dad was big at Chiquita Bananas. Used to bring rolls of Chiquita stickers to class to be given to the kids in favor at the time. That was 1964. A benefactor of those wars?


11/26/2022 09:38 PM
Wikipedia is an eye-opener on "banana wars" and "chiquita banana". And yes, I better understand some of the ill feelings that pilot saw. My classmate, the hotshot? Handing out tokens acquired with dirty money; money paid for with lives.


11/27/2022 08:02 AM
We never covered unpopular wars, etc. in US history in school. Sorta like studying mathematics without subtraction and division.

We did subscribe to the rule of intervention: Better a right wing dictatorship than a left leaning democracy.

It appears many still feel that way... I'm looking at you, #45 and your minions.
Orange Crush


11/27/2022 10:40 AM
So some Brits really thought they could show up dressed as crusaders LOL?!
Orange Crush


11/27/2022 11:34 AM
Thanks for playing Canada but not ready yet.

Did get first goal in WC ever. “Greatest moment in Canadian soccer history “. A few seconds later to the female commentator “we don’t want to minimize your world championship “. Doh.
Orange Crush


11/27/2022 03:38 PM
Morocco beats Belgium. Celebrations and riots in France, Belgium and Netherlands. A rise against the oppressor moment.
Orange Crush


11/27/2022 06:01 PM
Posted By 79 pmooney on 11/23/2022 11:16 AM
Turning away fans for wearing rainbow bands? I hope that gets a lot of attention.

What a contrast to the gay club shooting in Colorado where as best I can figure, nearly half of those shot or subduing the shooter were straight. Straights going to see a gay show. No big deal. But gays, or just people making a statement that they support them) get turned away from an event that supposed to be for the whole world?

At that club, nobody cared what your orientation was. Treat people like people and all was good.

Reality check from CBC front desk “ How the American anti-LGBTQ hate machine is posing a threat to Canadians” : https://www.cbc.ca/news/investigates/anti-lgbtq-hate-social-media-legislation-1.6663528
Orange Crush


11/29/2022 08:10 PM
Netherlands- USA this Saturday.

Two mediocre teams trying to advance to quarterfinals. That about sums it up.
Orange Crush


11/29/2022 09:05 PM
This was brilliant though, the hair of god that wasn’t. Just don’t try to claim a goal that isn’t yours.



11/30/2022 07:24 AM
OC, watch out for that high powered USA offense. *Yawn*


11/30/2022 08:54 AM
No real striker for the US since Dempsey. That said, They get it done.
Orange Crush


12/02/2022 09:32 AM
Great interview with your coach. He played in Netherlands for some smaller clubs way back when and has a lot of great stories and friendships. With that I guess this matchup was meant to happen for old times sake to bring it all together.

Also excellent quote; Netherlands, the land of 17 million soccer coaches (as in, it’s never good enough).
Orange Crush


12/03/2022 12:22 PM
Thanks for playing. Still lots of room for improvement but more lessons in efficiency.


12/03/2022 12:48 PM
When Pulisic didn’t convert that gift at the beginning I had a bad feeling.
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