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2022 (2020 too)
Last Post 01/27/2022 03:24 PM by Cosmic Kid. 41 Replies.
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01/08/2022 05:27 PM
"Have you fallen in the past year?" I did really well and as I recall, I never did. (That recall bit is also getting a bit shaky.) Those spills take a lot bigger toll than they used to.

CK, the bruising. After my casing boot (abdominal hernia mesh) everything seemed to be progressing just fine. Week three or so, I pulled off the bandages which clearly weren't needed anymore and took my first look. Wow. Black and blue for miles. Next day - just as bad but different! Then yellows and reds got added to this ever changing Van Gogh. In something of a panic, I scheduled the first available slot to have it looked at. Go in, get undressed. Nurse takes one look and exclaims "That's beautiful!" "Exactly what it's supposed to look like."
Orange Crush


01/08/2022 06:07 PM
The Diverge and Search got worked on this week so they’re ready for 2022. The road bike and commuter had work done last year so still good for another season. Proactively bought some parts in case supplies run low again just need to do a rubber tally.

I don’t think I crashed in 2021. Maybe a silly spill mounting or dismounting.

First major trip may be my 18 year old and his girlfriend down to California for some scramble peaks. They get our CRV we get her old Civic as a trade. I am giving them my southwestern US hotsprings book. Bought it in 92 to find remote Eastern Sierra springs with my first GF. Now everything is on google maps and presumably those springs much more visited. The CRV is deluxe for these guys, in 92 we had an old Tercel with bare tires and got stuck in snow at one of the springs. Some funny parallels are developing.


01/08/2022 10:47 PM
I've fallen over a couple of times over the years from the bike for un-properly un-clipping, but my big crash was August 1, 2011. Apparently I wiped out on some gravel a rain storm washed into the road under a railroad overpass. I concussed, and my whole left side was a huge bruise (the old joke: I was all right).

CK: Hope you heal well and quickly.
Cosmic Kid


01/09/2022 01:35 PM
Quick update…..continued to get worse yesterday. More soreness and swelling. By last night I had a low grade fever. Managed to get an appt at an Urgent Care facility for 10 this AM (wait times in ER are currently 6-12 hours).

Woke up this am, still not feeling great. Pretty clear it was infected. Went to take a shower before the appt and my boxers were soaked in blood. Great….

Went to the appt, they bandaged me, gave me an Rx for antibiotics and seeing my surgeon again tomorrow for follow-up.

Don’t think I am seeing my bike anytime soon….*shrug*
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!
Orange Crush


01/09/2022 07:53 PM
Somewhat related I had some dental surgery done in December, now there’s a hole in my gums that is supposed to grow closed over time. Problem is food keep disappearing in it that I then have to pick out. Slightly annoying although not as bad as your predicament. Hope this turns around soon for you. For me the weeklong painkiller phase immediately after was interesting that was some wildly strong stuff.


01/09/2022 09:53 PM
CK- guess you are doomed to the elliptical trainer for a while. That keeps your legs moving without sitting. Best of luck to you, and best of skill to your medical staff.
Cosmic Kid


01/10/2022 12:22 AM
Thanks, smokey!
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!
Cosmic Kid


01/10/2022 05:01 PM
Quick update….went to see the surgeon again today. I’ll spare you guys some of the details, but the bleeding was more “drainage” from the huge hematoma that had developed (hence the very dark color of the blood vs. bright red).

Options are to let the drainage continue and see if things right themselves or go for more surgery. I’m opting for seeing how things develop vs more surgery at this point. Doc “forced” more draining while I was there ( holy hell that hurt), packed it, gave me a stronger antibiotic and sent me home. Basically on bed rest for at least a few days…they don’t want me to do anything.

I was also given the option of using “pads” or Depends to help deal with the drainage. Seriously? FFS….

Surprisingly, I feel better already this afternoon. Fever seems to have broken, pain has been reduced and I am moving better. I think the forced draining the doc did helped a lot. Hopefully I have turned the corner…
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!


01/11/2022 11:02 AM
Two pairs of riding shorts for a while after this settles down. Good luck!


01/11/2022 03:01 PM
Disposable pet pads are an option for protecting linens or cushions.
Cosmic Kid


01/19/2022 09:17 AM
Thought I'd update you guys....things continue to improve. Still some drainage going on, but not much blood anymore. The last week has pretty much been trying to balance letting this fix itself vs. the need to get me back on blood thinners. Looks like there was no infection (cultures were negative) and the cause of the problem was my thinners causing the massive bruising.

Anyway, doc gave the the OK to get moving again....walking, light exercise, etc. Don't think I'll get back on the bike for a couple of weeks yet. Still need the hole to heal..*wince*.

But at least I am up off the couch and moving again. Back on thinners so the next few days will be important to see if it starts bleeding again.

But overall, moving in the right direction. Feel pretty close to normal, which is a big relief.

Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!


01/19/2022 10:26 AM
"2022 goals? Ride more, work fewer hours, and if Covid lets up do more races." Same here!


01/19/2022 10:28 AM
CK - glad to hear things are improving!
Cosmic Kid


01/19/2022 10:48 AM
Thanks, Hab...always good to see you pop in!
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!
Orange Crush


01/19/2022 01:29 PM
Good to hear things are improving CK.

With snow gone, got my second ride of 2022 in last weekend and first go at big ring climbing, albeit involuntary. Had bought drivetrain replacement components for Diverge but was hoping to postpone work till end of winter. No such going, on a steepish part mid-ride the front small ring became unusable (I guess those few chipped off teeth are important LOL) and I was forced to emergency upshift to big ring. Barely kept rolling. Bunch of cursing. Someone latched on from behind but once I got momentum back up never saw him again. Some forced paperboying later in ride as the inevitable climb back home got rather ugly in big ring. Anyway, an almost metric century in January, not bad. Fun stuff.
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