Armstrong draws parallels with Clinton situation, feels he’ll be forgiven
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Thursday, March 14, 2013

Armstrong draws parallels with Clinton situation, feels he’ll be forgiven

by VeloNation Press at 9:17 AM EST   comments
Categories: Pro Cycling, Doping
“Ten years later he’s president of the world…it can be done”

Lance ArmstrongAlthough his stock is at an all time low following his admission of doping on the Oprah Winfrey show, Lance Armstrong has said that he feels that he can win back support over time and go on to other things.

Believed to have had ambitions for a political career prior to the his public image meltdown of the past two years, the Texan has drawn parallels with former US president Bill Clinton, who was himself embroiled in scandal during his second term in office due to his denials of an affair with Monica Lewinsky.

“Ultimately, people forgive and forget and remember the good stuff you did,” Armstrong said in an interview with Texas Monthly. “Is it hard to do? Yeah. But Clinton did it - he loves to work, he loves people, he loves to hustle.

“He's a hero of mine. He's a tough guy, he's smart, surrounded himself with good people. And ten years later, he's president of the world. It can be done.”

While there are slight parallels in that both denied the acts that they ultimately admitted to, one difference between Armstrong and Clinton is that the former denied the claims against him for more than a decade, all the while continuing to use banned substances. He also sued people and companies who made allegations against him.

Still, Armstrong believes that the public will move on and that he will win back support. He said that the Oprah interview was akin to putting ‘a stake in the ground’ before things can improve. “It's 'Act 3.' It's all these things that people think about in Shakespearean terms.”

Armstrong was handed a lifetime ban by the US Anti Doping Agency last year after he decided not to fight charges of doping, of the supply of doping products and of coercing and encouraging others to us banned substances. This sanction was ultimately not appealed by the UCI. He continued to deny at the time but in January told Winfrey that he had indeed doped for much of his career.

He is facing a number of legal cases including a Qui Tam whistleblower case launched by former team-mate Floyd Landis and backed by the US government, which could potentially cost him tens of millions of dollars. The Sunday Times and SCA Promotions are also amongst those with cases against him.

He admitted to Texas Monthly that his family has been affected by the matter, but said that while he sometimes has second thoughts about his admission, that he believes it will ultimately be for the best.

“The stain’s not going away - my girls will grow into it. My two little ones will grow into it. This stain will live forever. I’ll never get rid of it,” he said. “I’ll just try and do the best for my family, my community, my constituency - whatever that may be...

“There are days I think, ‘I shouldn’t have done the interview (with Oprah). But then I see my kids, see the way they’re acting, the way they’re interacting. I see the way my son plays basketball, the way he hustles, the way he’s focused. I see a different kid.”


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