Suggestions that more doping cases involving GW501516 have emerged
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Sunday, April 14, 2013

Suggestions that more doping cases involving GW501516 have emerged

by Shane Stokes at 8:40 AM EST   comments
Categories: Pro Cycling, Doping
Four Costa Rican riders positive for unnamed substance, federation president won’t confirm product in question

dopingDays after the first positive test for the banned product GW501516 was confirmed, it appears that several more cases for that substance may have emerged in Central America.

The Costa Rican federation FECOCI has announced that four riders have returned positive tests. While they didn’t mention the substance in question, strong rumours exist that the riders concerned have indeed been detected with positive A samples for that drug.

“The news is still very fresh here, so far the names have not been released. The substance is not confirmed, but there are rumours in the air that was GW itself,” La Nacion journalist Juan José Herrera told Siglo.21.

Herrera spoke to FECOCI president Hernán Solano and asked him directly if the banned product was the one which was involved.

“I am unable to speak about this subject,” he answered. “Later, if that is proven, notification will be given.”

Solano gave few details, save for the fact that there were positive cases involving four Costa Rican riders. He said that he couldn’t specify if they were on the same team.

“Right now, the only one that can give the names is the UCI, because now the process is between them and the riders.”

He added that he did not know if other riders from different countries also involved.

On Thursday the UCI stated that the Rusvelo rider Valery Kaykov was provisional suspended in relation to the black market substance, which was never cleared for human use. It said that he had tested positive after an out of competition test was taken on March 17th.

Three weeks ago WADA issued a rare warning to all athletes, speaking about severe consequences of using GW501516. It was originally developed by GlaxoSmithKline but after it was linked to the development of multiple tumours in laboratory animals, was abandoned in 2006.

After making its way onto the black market, it was added to the WADA banned list in 2009.

The substance regulates fat burning, shifting the body’s metabolism to use increasing amounts of fat for energy and increases muscle mass. It is believed used by some in combination with another banned substance AICAR, giving an even greater effect in losing body fat and increasing endurance.

However it is easily detectable, and of high risk to health. According to New Scientist, GlaxoSmithKline determined that in all doses, the drug quickly caused tumours in test animals in a number of organs, including the liver, bladder, stomach, skin, thyroid, tongue, testes, ovaries and womb.


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