Vuelta a España: Philippe Gilbert finally shows his stripes in stage 12 sprint
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Thursday, September 5, 2013

Vuelta a España: Philippe Gilbert finally shows his stripes in stage 12 sprint

by Ben Atkins at 12:05 PM EST   comments
Categories: Pro Cycling, Vuelta a España, Race Reports and Results
World champion wins at last in complicated uphill finish

philippe gilbertWith time running out to take his first win in the rainbow jersey, Philippe Gilbert (BMC Racing) sprinted to victory in the 12th stage of the 2013 Vuelta a España, between Maella and Tarragona, on the challenging uphill finishing straight. The World champion managed to hunt down the long effort from Edvald Boasson Hagen (Team Sky), after the former Norwegian champion opened up what had looked like a winning margin himself, and crossed the line in jubilation a bike length clear.

Maximiliano Richeze (Lampre-Merida) took third place, as many of the big-name sprinters were apparently surprised by the toughness of the finish.

“I have only one word: finally,” said the World champion afterwards. “I’ve trained so hard this year but I’ve remained frustrated by not winning until today… However, I never lost neither my motivation nor the trust by my team, my friends and my family. With the World’s coming up, I was feeling the pressure and that makes me even happier to win today. Like last year, my first victory of the season happens in Catalunya, maybe I should consider riding the Volta Catalunya…

“[Winning in the Vuelta] with the world champion jersey, it’s definitely better! It’s my first time. It’s really special. It’s a very great moment.

“With Edvald who one of the strongest guys in the world,” Gilbert said of the rider he just managed to reel in before the line. “You can never be sure to have the situation under control, but I always remained focused on my sprint. I knew I had everything to come back on him. I got a good draft. I still had in mind my defeat against [Omega Pharma-Quick Step’s Zdeněk] Štybar [on stage 7] so I put in my mind that I could win or lose but I didn’t want to lose by one or two centimetres again.”

The 164.2km stage, which headed almost due east from the Zaragoza region to the Costa Daurada, featured a three-man breakaway from Fabricio Ferrari (Caja Rural-Seguros RGA), Romain Zingle (Cofidis) and Cedric Pineau ( The three fugitives escaped in the opening kilometre of the stage, and were allowed to get almost seven minutes ahead of the peloton before the sprinters’ teams reacted.

Little by little, the gap was closed, until the break was finally shut down with just under 20km to go.

The intermediate sprint that followed shortly afterwards, at the Port Aventura theme park with 15km to go, saw Ivan Basso (Cannondale) and Nicolas Roche (Saxo-Tinkoff) take three and two seconds respectively out of the overall lead of Vincenzo Nibali (Astana).

There was an immediate attack from Tony Martin (Omega Pharma-Quick Step), following the sprint, but the peloton refused to allow the World champion to open up much of a lead, and he sat up soon afterwards.

The technical final kilometres saw the teams of both sprinters and general classification riders take the front of the peloton, but it was Orica-GreenEdge that led under the flamme rouge. The Australian team found itself edged out as the road began to rise with 500 metres to go and, when Boasson Hagen jumped with 300 metres left, he looked to have done enough to take the stage.

Gilbert steadily reeled in the Norwegian though, catching him just before the line to take his first win as World champion, less than two weeks before he would have to defend his rainbow jersey.

Aside from the slight loss in time to Basso and Roche, red jersey Nibali finished comfortably in the peloton with his overall lead intact.

Astana dares the sprinters’ teams to chase the inevitable breakaway

Ferrari, Zingle and Pineau escaped in the very first moments of the stage, and were already three minutes clear of the peloton after just ten kilometres. As it had done on the previous occasions that Nibali had held the red jersey, the Astana team happily allowed the breakaway to keep building a healthy lead, preferring to leave any hard chasing to the sprinters’ teams.

Right on cue, as the gap was reaching six minutes after just 25km, Orica-GreenEdge took over at the head of the peloton. The trio’s lead was to reach a maximum of 6’42” at 28km, but this point saw Argos-Shimano and Garmin-Sharp join Orica-GreenEdge on the front of the peloton, and it began to stabilise.

After 64km the gap had dropped to 4’27”, as Lampre-Merida also joined the chase, but then began to rise again as the peloton tried to avoid making an early catch. It was to peak again at 5’25” at the 73km point, but was down to 5’10” again as the three leaders arrived at the foot of the only classified climb of the day, the 3rd category Alto del Collet, after 84km.

As Zingle led the trio over the top of the climb after 90.5km, the gap was down to 4’28” and, as they entered the final 50km the three riders had just 3’05” of their lead left.

There was a small crash that was to split the peloton, on a narrow climb through the town of Ruidoms, with 48km to go, which saw Imanol Erviti (Movistar) and Maxim Iglinskiy (Astana). Erviti was back up again quickly, but Iglinskiy took more time. After spending several moments sitting on the kerb, being treated by his team staff, the Kazakh rider was up again and gingerly making his way up towards the race caravan.

The result of the crash, and the peloton’s slowing down to re-form, saw the break’s lead increase by a few seconds as the peloton was reforming after having split in two.

Orica-GreenEdge, Garmin-Sharp, Lampre-Merida, Argos-Shimano and Belkin were all soon on the front again, however, and had cut the gap to just a minute and a half as the race entered the final 30km.

As the leading trio hit the exposed roads on the way to the coast its lead dropped sharply and, as Pineau led over the beachside intermediate sprint, in Cambrils with 25.2km to go, it was just 37.

Into the final 20km the trio’s advantage was a slim 12 seconds and, as the peloton had the breakaway in sight, NetApp-Endura hit the front to finish the job; catching Ferrari, Zingle and Pineau with 18.5km still to race.

The big names battle for seconds as Tony Martin tries to escape again

With time bonuses at stake at the second sprint, at Port Aventura with 15km to go, the general classification contenders began to mass forward. It was Cannondale that managed to manoeuvre Basso to the front, and the former two-time Giro d’Italia winner took the three seconds. Despite Basso’s team trying to keep the other contenders from taking any seconds, Roche managed to get ahead to take second place, ahead of Cannondale’s Cameron Wurf.

As the peloton eased up a little in the aftermath of the sprint, Martin took his chance and managed to open up a lead of 11 seconds before a chase could be organised.

BMC Racing was quickly chasing hard, however, and began to reel in the World time trial champion; seeing it was a hopeless task, Martin sat up just after the 11km to go banner.

Astana and Movistar then took turns to lead the peloton, almost forcing a split in the peloton in the next kilometre as many riders had problems staying with the speeding front group. With six kilometres to go though, the sprinters’ teams took over, with Orica-GreenEdge seizing control.

Astana was keeping Nibali up close to the front while, at the back with 4.5km to go Domenico Pozzovivo (AG2R La Mondiale) punctured. Luckily for the Italian, the usual three kilometre zone had been extended to five kilometres for this stage and so he would not lose any time.

Astana took the race into the final three kilometres, before Orica-GreenEdge and Garmin-Sharp exchanged the lead on the approach to the flamme rouge. Lotto-Belisol moved up as the road began to rise with 500 metres to go, but then Boasson Hagen jumped with 300m to go.

The Norwegian looked to have opened up a stage-winning gap, but Gilbert patiently hunted him down and jubilantly crossed the line in front.

Vuelta a España (WorldTour)

Stage 12, Maella to Tarragona:

1, Philippe Gilbert (BMC Racing Team) 164.2 kilometres in 4 hours 3 mins 44 secs
2, Edvald Boasson Hagen (Sky Procycling)
3, Maximiliano Ariel Richeze (Lampre-Merida)
4, Luca Paolini (Katusha)
5, Gianni Meersman (Omega Pharma-Quick Step)
6, Francesco Lasca (Caja Rural)
7, Steve Chainel (AG2R La Mondiale)
8, Reinardt Janse Van Rensburg (Team Argos-Shimano)
9, Anthony Roux (FDJ)
10, Zakkari Dempster (Team NetApp-Endura)
11, Adrien Petit (Cofidis, Solutions Credits)
12, Mitchell Docker (Orica-GreenEdge)
13, Robert Wagner (Belkin Pro Cycling Team)
14, Tosh Van Der Sande (Lotto Belisol)
15, Daniele Ratto (Cannondale Pro Cycling)
16, Tyler Farrar (Garmin-Sharp)
17, Dominik Nerz (BMC Racing Team)
18, Daniel Schorn (Team NetApp-Endura)
19, Rigoberto Uran Uran (Sky Procycling)
20, Lloyd Mondory (AG2R La Mondiale)
21, Christopher Horner (RadioShack Leopard)
22, José Herrada Lopez (Movistar Team)
23, Juan Antonio Flecha Giannoni (Vacansoleil-DCM Pro Cycling Team)
24, Michael Morkov (Team Saxo-Tinkoff)
25, Luis Leon Sanchez Gil (Belkin Pro Cycling Team)
26, Samuel Sanchez Gonzalez (Euskaltel-Euskadi)
27, Nico Sijmens (Cofidis, Solutions Credits)
28, Sergio Luis Henao Montoya (Sky Procycling)
29, Rafal Majka (Team Saxo-Tinkoff)
30, Tanel Kangert (Astana Pro Team)
31, David Arroyo Duran (Caja Rural)
32, Egoi Martinez De Esteban (Euskaltel-Euskadi)
33, Alejandro Valverde Belmonte (Movistar Team)
34, Nicolas Roche (Team Saxo-Tinkoff)
35, Vincenzo Nibali (Astana Pro Team)
36, Ivan Basso (Cannondale Pro Cycling)
37, Joaquim Rodriguez Oliver (Katusha)
38, José Joao Pimenta Costa Mendes (Team NetApp-Endura)
39, Daniel Moreno Fernandez (Katusha)
40, Andre Fernando S. Martins Cardoso (Caja Rural)
41, Leopold Konig (Team NetApp-Endura)
42, Zdenek Stybar (Omega Pharma-Quick Step)
43, Janez Brajkovic (Astana Pro Team)
44, Thibaut Pinot (FDJ)
45, Pieter Serry (Omega Pharma-Quick Step)
46, Mikel Landa Meana (Euskaltel-Euskadi) at 8 secs
47, Igor Anton Hernandez (Euskaltel-Euskadi)
48, Yoann Bagot (Cofidis, Solutions Credits)
49, Chris Anker Sörensen (Team Saxo-Tinkoff) at 10 secs
50, Juan Manuel Garate (Belkin Pro Cycling Team)
51, Markel Irizar Aranburu (RadioShack Leopard)
52, Yaroslav Popovych (RadioShack Leopard)
53, Serge Pauwels (Omega Pharma-Quick Step)
54, Ben Hermans (RadioShack Leopard)
55, Jan Barta (Team NetApp-Endura)
56, Vladimir Isaichev (Katusha)
57, Ramon Sinkeldam (Team Argos-Shimano)
58, Dmitry Kozontchuk (Katusha)
59, Georg Preidler (Team Argos-Shimano)
60, Tomasz Marczynski (Vacansoleil-DCM Pro Cycling Team)
61, Michele Scarponi (Lampre-Merida)
62, Greg Henderson (Lotto Belisol)
63, Eros Capecchi (Movistar Team)
64, Diego Ulissi (Lampre-Merida)
65, Guillaume Van Keirsbulck (Omega Pharma-Quick Step) at 16 secs
66, Kenny Elissonde (FDJ) at 19 secs
67, Laurens Ten Dam (Belkin Pro Cycling Team)
68, Cayetano José Sarmiento Tunarrosa (Cannondale Pro Cycling)
69, Mikel Nieve Iturralde (Euskaltel-Euskadi)
70, Johan Vansummeren (Garmin-Sharp) at 25 secs
71, Salvatore Puccio (Sky Procycling) at mins 26 secs
72, Juan Jose Oroz Ugalde (Euskaltel-Euskadi) at 31 secs
73, Francis De Greef (Lotto Belisol)
74, Javier Francisco Aramendia Lorente (Caja Rural)
75, Alexandre Geniez (FDJ)
76, Robert Kiserlovski (RadioShack Leopard)
77, Xabier Zandio Echaide (Sky Procycling)
78, Jakob Fuglsang (Astana Pro Team)
79, Dario Cataldo (Sky Procycling)
80, Vladimir Gusev (Katusha)
81, Angel Vicioso Arcos (Katusha)
82, Stef Clement (Belkin Pro Cycling Team)
83, Alessandro Vanotti (Astana Pro Team)
84, Simon Clarke (Orica-GreenEdge)
85, Rafael Valls Ferri (Vacansoleil-DCM Pro Cycling Team) at 40 secs
86, Jerome Coppel (Cofidis, Solutions Credits)
87, Jorge Azanza Soto (Euskaltel-Euskadi) at 50 secs
88, Danilo Wyss (BMC Racing Team) at 59 secs
89, Grégory Rast (RadioShack Leopard)
90, Johannes Fröhlinger (Team Argos-Shimano)
91, Andrey Zeits (Astana Pro Team)
92, Kristof Vandewalle (Omega Pharma-Quick Step)
93, Vasil Kiryienka (Sky Procycling)
94, Paolo Tiralongo (Astana Pro Team)
95, Paolo Longo Borghini (Cannondale Pro Cycling)
96, Maciej Paterski (Cannondale Pro Cycling)
97, Luis Angel Mate Mardones (Cofidis, Solutions Credits)
98, Gorka Verdugo Marcotegui (Euskaltel-Euskadi)
99, Pablo Urtasun Perez (Euskaltel-Euskadi)
100, Alex Rasmussen (Garmin-Sharp)
101, Pablo Lastras Garcia (Movistar Team)
102, José Ivan Gutierrez Palacios (Movistar Team)
103, Tiziano Dall'Antonia (Cannondale Pro Cycling)
104, Paul Voss (Team NetApp-Endura)
105, Evgeny Petrov (Team Saxo-Tinkoff)
106, Mikael Cherel (AG2R La Mondiale)
107, Adam Hansen (Lotto Belisol)
108, Warren Barguil (Team Argos-Shimano)
109, Matteo Bono (Lampre-Merida) at 1 min 28 secs
110, Winner Anacona Gomez (Lampre-Merida)
111, Oliver Zaugg (Team Saxo-Tinkoff) at 1 min 32 secs
112, Andriy Grivko (Astana Pro Team) at 1 min 57 secs
113, Thomas Peterson (Team Argos-Shimano) at 2 mins 3 secs
114, Klaas Lodewyck (BMC Racing Team)
115, Tony Martin (Omega Pharma-Quick Step) at 2 mins 8 secs
116, Cameron Wurf (Cannondale Pro Cycling) at 2 mins 11 secs
117, Christian Knees (Sky Procycling)
118, Iker Camano Ortuzar (Team NetApp-Endura)
119, Dennis Vanendert (Lotto Belisol)
120, Vicente Reynes Mimo (Lotto Belisol)
121, Nicolas Edet (Cofidis, Solutions Credits)
122, Lieuwe Westra (Vacansoleil-DCM Pro Cycling Team)
123, Sylvester Szmyd (Movistar Team)
124, Imanol Erviti Ollo (Movistar Team)
125, Amets Txurruka (Caja Rural)
126, Fabricio Ferrari Barcelo (Caja Rural)
127, Baden Cooke (Orica-GreenEdge)
128, Jussi Veikkanen (FDJ)
129, Simone Stortoni (Lampre-Merida)
130, Christian Meier (Orica-GreenEdge)
131, Simon Gerrans (Orica-GreenEdge)
132, Sam Bewley (Orica-GreenEdge)
133, Tom Stamsnijder (Team Argos-Shimano)
134, Cédric Pineau (FDJ)
135, Laurent Mangel (FDJ)
136, Arnaud Courteille (FDJ)
137, Alex Howes (Garmin-Sharp)
138, Luca Dodi (Lampre-Merida)
139, Johnny Hoogerland (Vacansoleil-DCM Pro Cycling Team)
140, Bauke Mollema (Belkin Pro Cycling Team)
141, Yannick Eijssen (BMC Racing Team)
142, Martin Kohler (BMC Racing Team)
143, Haimar Zubeldia Agirre (RadioShack Leopard)
144, Lucas Sebastian Haedo (Cannondale Pro Cycling)
145, Wout Poels (Vacansoleil-DCM Pro Cycling Team)
146, Rinaldo Nocentini (AG2R La Mondiale)
147, Matteo Tosatto (Team Saxo-Tinkoff)
148, Giampaolo Caruso (Katusha)
149, Antonio Piedra Perez (Caja Rural)
150, Graeme Brown (Belkin Pro Cycling Team)
151, Julien Berard (AG2R La Mondiale) at 2 mins 47 secs
152, Domenico Pozzovivo (AG2R La Mondiale) at 0 secs
153, Carlos Alberto Betancur Gomez (AG2R La Mondiale) at 2 mins 47 secs
154, Ben Gastauer (AG2R La Mondiale)
155, Bartosz Huzarski (Team NetApp-Endura)
156, Nikias Arndt (Team Argos-Shimano) at 3 mins 30 secs
157, Manuele Mori (Lampre-Merida) at 3 mins 42 secs
158, Massimo Graziato (Lampre-Merida)
159, Nick Nuyens (Garmin-Sharp)
160, Jurgen Van De Walle (Lotto Belisol)
161, Michel Kreder (Garmin-Sharp)
162, Stéphane Poulhies (Cofidis, Solutions Credits)
163, Fabian Cancellara (RadioShack Leopard)
164, Matthew Busche (RadioShack Leopard)
165, Luke Rowe (Sky Procycling) at 3 mins 56 secs
166, Roman Kreuziger (Team Saxo-Tinkoff)
167, Nicki Sörensen (Team Saxo-Tinkoff)
168, David Tanner (Belkin Pro Cycling Team) at 4 mins 18 secs
169, Leigh Howard (Orica-GreenEdge) at 4 mins 22 secs
170, Michael Matthews (Orica-GreenEdge) at 4 mins 38 secs
171, Thierry Hupond (Team Argos-Shimano) at 6 mins 24 secs
172, Ivan Santaromita (BMC Racing Team) at 9 mins 0 secs
173, Marcos Garcia (Caja Rural)
174, Javier Moreno Bazan (Movistar Team)
175, Grega Bole (Vacansoleil-DCM Pro Cycling Team)
176, Romain Zingle (Cofidis, Solutions Credits)
177, Caleb Fairly (Garmin-Sharp)
178, Cyril Bessy (Cofidis, Solutions Credits)
179, Benat Intxausti Elorriaga (Movistar Team)
180, Jelle Vanendert (Lotto Belisol)
181, Sebastian Lander (BMC Racing Team)
182, Maxim Iglinskiy (Astana Pro Team)
183, David De La Cruz Melgarejo (Team NetApp-Endura) at 26 mins 34 secs

Did not finish: Geoffrey Soupe (FDJ)

Intermediate sprints:

Cambrils (km 139):

1, Cédric Pineau (FDJ) 4 pts
2, Fabricio Ferrari Barcelo (Caja Rural) 2
3, Romain Zingle (Cofidis, Solutions Credits) 1

Port Aventura (km 149.2):

1, Ivan Basso (Cannondale Pro Cycling) 4 pts
2, Nicolas Roche (Team Saxo-Tinkoff) 2
3, Cameron Wurf (Cannondale Pro Cycling) 1

King of the mountains:

Category 3 Alto del Collet (km 90):

1, Romain Zingle (Cofidis, Solutions Credits) 3 pts
2, Fabricio Ferrari Barcelo (Caja Rural) 2
3, Cédric Pineau (FDJ) 1

Most combative rider: Fabricio Ferrari Barcelo (Caja Rural)


1, Sky Procycling, 12 hours 11 mins 12 secs
2, Team Netapp - Endura
3, Caja Rural - Seguros RGA
4, Katusha
5, Team Saxo - Tinkoff
6, Omega Pharma - Quick-Step
7, Astana Pro Team
8, AG2R La Mondiale
9, Cofidis, Solutions Credits, at 8 secs
10, Euskaltel-Euskadi
11, Belkin Pro Cycling Team, at 10 secs
12, Movistar Team
13, Team Argos-Shimano
14, FDJ, at 19 secs
15, Cannondale Pro Cycling
16, Radioshack Leopard, at 20 secs
17, Lampre-Merida
18, Lotto Belisol, at 41 secs
19, Vacansoleil - DCM Pro Cycling Team, at 50 secs
20, BMC Racing Team, at 59 secs
21, Garmin Sharp, at 1 min 24 secs
22, Orica Greenedge, at 2 mins 42 secs

General classification after stage 12:

1, Vincenzo Nibali (Astana Pro Team) 45 hours 26 mins 6 secs
2, Nicolas Roche (Team Saxo-Tinkoff) at 31 secs
3, Alejandro Valverde Belmonte (Movistar Team) at 46 secs
4, Christopher Horner (RadioShack Leopard)
5, Joaquim Rodriguez Oliver (Katusha) at 2 mins 33 secs
6, Domenico Pozzovivo (AG2R La Mondiale) at 2 mins 44 secs
7, Ivan Basso (Cannondale Pro Cycling) at 2 mins 52 secs
8, Thibaut Pinot (FDJ) at 3 mins 35 secs
9, Rafal Majka (Team Saxo-Tinkoff) at 3 mins 46 secs
10, Daniel Moreno Fernandez (Katusha) at 3 mins 56 secs
11, Leopold Konig (Team NetApp-Endura) at 4 mins 8 secs
12, Tanel Kangert (Astana Pro Team) at 5 mins 5 secs
13, Rigoberto Uran Uran (Sky Procycling) at 5 mins 46 secs
14, Samuel Sanchez Gonzalez (Euskaltel-Euskadi) at 6 mins 38 secs
15, Eros Capecchi (Movistar Team) at 6 mins 47 secs
16, Dominik Nerz (BMC Racing Team) at 8 mins 2 secs
17, Laurens Ten Dam (Belkin Pro Cycling Team) at 8 mins 34 secs
18, José Joao Pimenta Costa Mendes (Team NetApp-Endura) at 8 mins 56 secs
19, José Herrada Lopez (Movistar Team) at 9 mins 7 secs
20, Janez Brajkovic (Astana Pro Team) at 9 mins 14 secs
21, David Arroyo Duran (Caja Rural) at 9 mins 28 secs
22, Mikel Nieve Iturralde (Euskaltel-Euskadi) at 9 mins 51 secs
23, Igor Anton Hernandez (Euskaltel-Euskadi) at 10 mins 5 secs
24, Michele Scarponi (Lampre-Merida) at 10 mins 28 secs
25, Sergio Luis Henao Montoya (Sky Procycling) at 10 mins 32 secs
26, Chris Anker Sörensen (Team Saxo-Tinkoff) at 10 mins 35 secs
27, Kenny Elissonde (FDJ) at 11 mins 14 secs
28, Robert Kiserlovski (RadioShack Leopard) at 12 mins 41 secs
29, Yoann Bagot (Cofidis, Solutions Credits) at 13 mins 5 secs
30, Tomasz Marczynski (Vacansoleil-DCM Pro Cycling Team) at 15 mins 37 secs
31, Andre Fernando S. Martins Cardoso (Caja Rural) at 15 mins 58 secs
32, Ivan Santaromita (BMC Racing Team) at 16 mins 23 secs
33, Oliver Zaugg (Team Saxo-Tinkoff) at 19 mins 28 secs
34, Haimar Zubeldia Agirre (RadioShack Leopard) at 26 mins 33 secs
35, Diego Ulissi (Lampre-Merida) at 29 mins 7 secs
36, Bauke Mollema (Belkin Pro Cycling Team) at 30 mins 22 secs
37, Warren Barguil (Team Argos-Shimano) at 30 mins 41 secs
38, Giampaolo Caruso (Katusha) at 32 mins 19 secs
39, Pieter Serry (Omega Pharma-Quick Step) at 33 mins 46 secs
40, Jakob Fuglsang (Astana Pro Team) at 33 mins 47 secs
41, Amets Txurruka (Caja Rural) at 35 mins 4 secs
42, Serge Pauwels (Omega Pharma-Quick Step) at 35 mins 20 secs
43, Anthony Roux (FDJ) at 36 mins 22 secs
44, Luis Leon Sanchez Gil (Belkin Pro Cycling Team) at 36 mins 32 secs
45, Sylvester Szmyd (Movistar Team) at 37 mins 19 secs
46, Luis Angel Mate Mardones (Cofidis, Solutions Credits) at 37 mins 40 secs
47, Javier Moreno Bazan (Movistar Team) at 37 mins 54 secs
48, Georg Preidler (Team Argos-Shimano) at 38 mins 26 secs
49, Vladimir Gusev (Katusha) at 38 mins 28 secs
50, Rinaldo Nocentini (AG2R La Mondiale) at 40 mins 51 secs
51, Cayetano José Sarmiento Tunarrosa (Cannondale Pro Cycling) at 41 mins 1 secs
52, Jerome Coppel (Cofidis, Solutions Credits) at 41 mins 26 secs
53, Egoi Martinez De Esteban (Euskaltel-Euskadi) at 42 mins 35 secs
54, David De La Cruz Melgarejo (Team NetApp-Endura) at 44 mins 40 secs
55, Xabier Zandio Echaide (Sky Procycling) at 45 mins 57 secs
56, Alexandre Geniez (FDJ) at 46 mins 3 secs
57, Bartosz Huzarski (Team NetApp-Endura) at 46 mins 36 secs
58, Juan Antonio Flecha Giannoni (Vacansoleil-DCM Pro Cycling Team) at 47 mins 15 secs
59, Paolo Tiralongo (Astana Pro Team) at 48 mins 13 secs
60, Yannick Eijssen (BMC Racing Team)
61, Francis De Greef (Lotto Belisol) at 49 mins 29 secs
62, Gorka Verdugo Marcotegui (Euskaltel-Euskadi) at 49 mins 48 secs
63, Gianni Meersman (Omega Pharma-Quick Step) at 50 mins 50 secs
64, Stef Clement (Belkin Pro Cycling Team) at 51 mins 57 secs
65, Roman Kreuziger (Team Saxo-Tinkoff) at 52 mins 25 secs
66, Rafael Valls Ferri (Vacansoleil-DCM Pro Cycling Team) at 52 mins 30 secs
67, Edvald Boasson Hagen (Sky Procycling) at 52 mins 31 secs
68, Matthew Busche (RadioShack Leopard) at 54 mins 4 secs
69, Ben Hermans (RadioShack Leopard) at 54 mins 36 secs
70, Adam Hansen (Lotto Belisol) at 55 mins 27 secs
71, Manuele Mori (Lampre-Merida) at 56 mins 8 secs
72, Paul Voss (Team NetApp-Endura) at 57 mins 2 secs
73, Julien Berard (AG2R La Mondiale) at 57 mins 12 secs
74, Angel Vicioso Arcos (Katusha) at 58 mins 41 secs
75, Juan Jose Oroz Ugalde (Euskaltel-Euskadi) at 59 mins 33 secs
76, Cameron Wurf (Cannondale Pro Cycling) at 1:1 min 41 secs
77, Danilo Wyss (BMC Racing Team) at 1:4 mins 21 secs
78, Mikel Landa Meana (Euskaltel-Euskadi) at 1:4 mins 37 secs
79, Dario Cataldo (Sky Procycling) at 1:4 mins 56 secs
80, Fabian Cancellara (RadioShack Leopard) at 1:5 mins 47 secs
81, Zdenek Stybar (Omega Pharma-Quick Step) at 1:6 mins 8 secs
82, Maciej Paterski (Cannondale Pro Cycling) at 1:6 mins 32 secs
83, Yaroslav Popovych (RadioShack Leopard) at 1:6 mins 47 secs
84, Ben Gastauer (AG2R La Mondiale) at 1:9 mins 12 secs
85, Jorge Azanza Soto (Euskaltel-Euskadi) at 1 hours 10 mins 19 secs
86, Philippe Gilbert (BMC Racing Team) at 1 hours 11 mins 54 secs
87, Jelle Vanendert (Lotto Belisol) at 1 hours 12 mins 13 secs
88, Reinardt Janse Van Rensburg (Team Argos-Shimano) at 1 hours 13 mins 4 secs
89, Martin Kohler (BMC Racing Team) at 1 hours 13 mins 51 secs
90, Johan Vansummeren (Garmin-Sharp) at 1 hours 13 mins 57 secs
91, Johannes Fröhlinger (Team Argos-Shimano) at 1 hours 14 mins 12 secs
92, Alex Howes (Garmin-Sharp) at 1 hours 14 mins 17 secs
93, Andrey Zeits (Astana Pro Team) at 1 hours 14 mins 30 secs
94, Simon Clarke (Orica-GreenEdge) at 1 hours 15 mins 9 secs
95, Romain Zingle (Cofidis, Solutions Credits) at 1 hours 15 mins 51 secs
96, Vasil Kiryienka (Sky Procycling) at 1 hours 17 mins 8 secs
97, Daniele Ratto (Cannondale Pro Cycling) at 1 hours 17 mins 12 secs
98, Simone Stortoni (Lampre-Merida) at 1 hours 17 mins 36 secs
99, Christian Knees (Sky Procycling) at 1 hours 18 mins 22 secs
100, Jussi Veikkanen (FDJ) at 1 hours 18 mins 37 secs
101, Jan Barta (Team NetApp-Endura) at 1 hours 18 mins 46 secs
102, Paolo Longo Borghini (Cannondale Pro Cycling) at 1 hours 19 mins 57 secs
103, Luca Paolini (Katusha) at 1 hours 21 mins 59 secs
104, Grégory Rast (RadioShack Leopard) at 1 hours 22 mins 13 secs
105, Christian Meier (Orica-GreenEdge) at 1 hours 22 mins 23 secs
106, Dennis Vanendert (Lotto Belisol) at 1 hours 22 mins 46 secs
107, Kristof Vandewalle (Omega Pharma-Quick Step) at 1 hours 22 mins 50 secs
108, Iker Camano Ortuzar (Team NetApp-Endura) at 1 hours 23 mins 25 secs
109, Nico Sijmens (Cofidis, Solutions Credits) at 1 hours 23 mins 59 secs
110, Michael Matthews (Orica-GreenEdge) at 1 hours 24 mins 20 secs
111, Mikael Cherel (AG2R La Mondiale) at 1 hours 24 mins 37 secs
112, David Tanner (Belkin Pro Cycling Team) at 1 hours 24 mins 51 secs
113, Thierry Hupond (Team Argos-Shimano) at 1 hours 24 mins 57 secs
114, Tony Martin (Omega Pharma-Quick Step) at 1 hours 25 mins 2 secs
115, Salvatore Puccio (Sky Procycling) at 1 hours 25 mins 4 secs
116, Nicolas Edet (Cofidis, Solutions Credits) at 1 hours 27 mins 13 secs
117, Steve Chainel (AG2R La Mondiale) at 1 hours 27 mins 49 secs
118, Jurgen Van De Walle (Lotto Belisol) at 1 hours 28 mins 16 secs
119, Grega Bole (Vacansoleil-DCM Pro Cycling Team) at 1 hours 29 mins 11 secs
120, Andriy Grivko (Astana Pro Team) at 1 hours 29 mins 28 secs
121, Marcos Garcia (Caja Rural) at 1 hours 29 mins 59 secs
122, Markel Irizar Aranburu (RadioShack Leopard) at 1 hours 30 mins 13 secs
123, Vicente Reynes Mimo (Lotto Belisol) at 1 hours 31 mins 13 secs
124, Imanol Erviti Ollo (Movistar Team) at 1 hours 31 mins 41 secs
125, Cédric Pineau (FDJ) at 1 hours 32 mins 49 secs
126, Daniel Schorn (Team NetApp-Endura) at 1 hours 33 mins 26 secs
127, Matteo Tosatto (Team Saxo-Tinkoff) at 1 hours 33 mins 28 secs
128, Tiziano Dall'Antonia (Cannondale Pro Cycling) at 1 hours 33 mins 40 secs
129, José Ivan Gutierrez Palacios (Movistar Team) at 1 hours 34 mins 42 secs
130, Alessandro Vanotti (Astana Pro Team) at 1 hours 35 mins 1 secs
131, Lloyd Mondory (AG2R La Mondiale) at 1 hours 35 mins 10 secs
132, Juan Manuel Garate (Belkin Pro Cycling Team) at 1 hours 35 mins 22 secs
133, Johnny Hoogerland (Vacansoleil-DCM Pro Cycling Team) at 1 hours 36 mins 16 secs
134, Benat Intxausti Elorriaga (Movistar Team) at 1 hours 36 mins 33 secs
135, Wout Poels (Vacansoleil-DCM Pro Cycling Team) at 1 hours 38 mins 49 secs
136, Maxim Iglinskiy (Astana Pro Team) at 1 hours 39 mins 26 secs
137, Luca Dodi (Lampre-Merida) at 1 hours 39 mins 37 secs
138, Fabricio Ferrari Barcelo (Caja Rural) at 1 hours 39 mins 58 secs
139, Greg Henderson (Lotto Belisol) at 1 hours 40 mins 18 secs
140, Guillaume Van Keirsbulck (Omega Pharma-Quick Step) at 1 hours 41 mins 6 secs
141, Ramon Sinkeldam (Team Argos-Shimano) at 1 hours 42 mins 17 secs
142, Pablo Lastras Garcia (Movistar Team) at 1 hours 42 mins 34 secs
143, Dmitry Kozontchuk (Katusha) at 1 hours 42 mins 41 secs
144, Klaas Lodewyck (BMC Racing Team) at 1 hours 42 mins 47 secs
145, Robert Wagner (Belkin Pro Cycling Team) at 1 hours 42 mins 58 secs
146, Michael Morkov (Team Saxo-Tinkoff) at 1 hours 43 mins 29 secs
147, Simon Gerrans (Orica-GreenEdge) at 1 hours 43 mins 37 secs
148, Nicki Sörensen (Team Saxo-Tinkoff) at 1 hours 44 mins 4 secs
149, Tyler Farrar (Garmin-Sharp) at 1 hours 46 mins 33 secs
150, Baden Cooke (Orica-GreenEdge) at 1 hours 46 mins 49 secs
151, Evgeny Petrov (Team Saxo-Tinkoff) at 1 hours 47 mins 39 secs
152, Mitchell Docker (Orica-GreenEdge) at 1 hours 47 mins 43 secs
153, Zakkari Dempster (Team NetApp-Endura) at 1 hours 47 mins 44 secs
154, Winner Anacona Gomez (Lampre-Merida) at 1 hours 49 mins 15 secs
155, Adrien Petit (Cofidis, Solutions Credits) at 1 hours 49 mins 48 secs
156, Tosh Van Der Sande (Lotto Belisol) at 1 hours 49 mins 52 secs
157, Antonio Piedra Perez (Caja Rural) at 1 hours 50 mins 0 secs
158, Sam Bewley (Orica-GreenEdge) at 1 hours 50 mins 17 secs
159, Francesco Lasca (Caja Rural) at 1 hours 52 mins 21 secs
160, Stéphane Poulhies (Cofidis, Solutions Credits) at 1 hours 52 mins 31 secs
161, Lieuwe Westra (Vacansoleil-DCM Pro Cycling Team) at 1 hours 52 mins 36 secs
162, Lucas Sebastian Haedo (Cannondale Pro Cycling) at 1 hours 53 mins 57 secs
163, Arnaud Courteille (FDJ) at 1 hours 54 mins 0 secs
164, Alex Rasmussen (Garmin-Sharp) at 1 hours 54 mins 21 secs
165, Luke Rowe (Sky Procycling) at 1 hours 55 mins 34 secs
166, Maximiliano Ariel Richeze (Lampre-Merida) at 1 hours 56 mins 53 secs
167, Vladimir Isaichev (Katusha) at 1 hours 57 mins 31 secs
168, Pablo Urtasun Perez (Euskaltel-Euskadi) at 1 hours 57 mins 35 secs
169, Javier Francisco Aramendia Lorente (Caja Rural) at 1 hours 59 mins 35 secs
170, Laurent Mangel (FDJ) at 1 hours 59 mins 55 secs
171, Nikias Arndt (Team Argos-Shimano) at 2:0 mins 33 secs
172, Leigh Howard (Orica-GreenEdge) at 2:1 min 57 secs
173, Cyril Bessy (Cofidis, Solutions Credits) at 2:2 mins 16 secs
174, Thomas Peterson (Team Argos-Shimano) at 2:2 mins 36 secs
175, Nick Nuyens (Garmin-Sharp) at 2:5 mins 3 secs
176, Carlos Alberto Betancur Gomez (AG2R La Mondiale) at 2:5 mins 57 secs
177, Caleb Fairly (Garmin-Sharp) at 2:6 mins 4 secs
178, Tom Stamsnijder (Team Argos-Shimano) at 2:6 mins 20 secs
179, Graeme Brown (Belkin Pro Cycling Team) at 2:7 mins 53 secs
180, Sebastian Lander (BMC Racing Team) at 2 hours 12 mins 25 secs
181, Massimo Graziato (Lampre-Merida) at 2 hours 14 mins 26 secs
182, Michel Kreder (Garmin-Sharp) at 2 hours 15 mins 4 secs
183, Matteo Bono (Lampre-Merida) at 2 hours 18 mins 55 secs


1, Daniel Moreno Fernandez (Katusha) 97 pts
2, Alejandro Valverde Belmonte (Movistar Team) 90
3, Nicolas Roche (Team Saxo-Tinkoff) 89
4, Fabian Cancellara (RadioShack Leopard) 61
5, Joaquim Rodriguez Oliver (Katusha) 61
6, Philippe Gilbert (BMC Racing Team) 60
7, Christopher Horner (RadioShack Leopard) 58
8, Maximiliano Ariel Richeze (Lampre-Merida) 56
9, Michael Matthews (Orica-GreenEdge) 53
10, Edvald Boasson Hagen (Sky Procycling) 52
11, Gianni Meersman (Omega Pharma-Quick Step) 50
12, Ivan Basso (Cannondale Pro Cycling) 49
13, Vincenzo Nibali (Astana Pro Team) 48
14, Leopold Konig (Team NetApp-Endura) 44
15, Domenico Pozzovivo (AG2R La Mondiale) 43
16, Tony Martin (Omega Pharma-Quick Step) 37
17, Bauke Mollema (Belkin Pro Cycling Team) 34
18, Tyler Farrar (Garmin-Sharp) 30
19, Juan Antonio Flecha Giannoni (Vacansoleil-DCM Pro Cycling Team) 28
20, Thibaut Pinot (FDJ) 27
21, Michael Morkov (Team Saxo-Tinkoff) 26
22, Rigoberto Uran Uran (Sky Procycling) 26
23, Zdenek Stybar (Omega Pharma-Quick Step) 25
24, Adrien Petit (Cofidis, Solutions Credits) 24
25, Rafal Majka (Team Saxo-Tinkoff) 23
26, Igor Anton Hernandez (Euskaltel-Euskadi) 23
27, Rinaldo Nocentini (AG2R La Mondiale) 22
28, Samuel Sanchez Gonzalez (Euskaltel-Euskadi) 21
29, Anthony Roux (FDJ) 20
30, Robert Wagner (Belkin Pro Cycling Team) 19


1, Christopher Horner (RadioShack Leopard) 18 pts
2, Nicolas Roche (Team Saxo-Tinkoff) 15
3, Leopold Konig (Team NetApp-Endura) 12
4, Daniel Moreno Fernandez (Katusha) 12
5, Nicolas Edet (Cofidis, Solutions Credits) 11
6, Vincenzo Nibali (Astana Pro Team) 11
7, Diego Ulissi (Lampre-Merida) 10
8, Alejandro Valverde Belmonte (Movistar Team) 9
9, Domenico Pozzovivo (AG2R La Mondiale) 7
10, Tomasz Marczynski (Vacansoleil-DCM Pro Cycling Team) 6
11, Edvald Boasson Hagen (Sky Procycling) 5
12, Winner Anacona Gomez (Lampre-Merida) 5
13, Ivan Basso (Cannondale Pro Cycling) 5
14, Georg Preidler (Team Argos-Shimano) 4
15, Romain Zingle (Cofidis, Solutions Credits) 3
16, Javier Francisco Aramendia Lorente (Caja Rural) 3
17, Joaquim Rodriguez Oliver (Katusha) 3
18, Thibaut Pinot (FDJ) 2
19, Juan Antonio Flecha Giannoni (Vacansoleil-DCM Pro Cycling Team) 2
20, Danilo Wyss (BMC Racing Team) 2
21, Fabian Cancellara (RadioShack Leopard) 2
22, Fabricio Ferrari Barcelo (Caja Rural) 2
23, Greg Henderson (Lotto Belisol) 2
24, José Herrada Lopez (Movistar Team) 1
25, Juan Jose Oroz Ugalde (Euskaltel-Euskadi) 1
26, Jurgen Van De Walle (Lotto Belisol) 1
27, Cédric Pineau (FDJ) 1
28, Antonio Piedra Perez (Caja Rural) 1
29, Alex Rasmussen (Garmin-Sharp) 1


1, Nicolas Roche (Team Saxo-Tinkoff) 7 pts
2, Christopher Horner (RadioShack Leopard) 12
3, Alejandro Valverde Belmonte (Movistar Team) 13
4, Daniel Moreno Fernandez (Katusha) 15
5, Vincenzo Nibali (Astana Pro Team) 20
6, Joaquim Rodriguez Oliver (Katusha) 27
7, Leopold Konig (Team NetApp-Endura) 28
8, Domenico Pozzovivo (AG2R La Mondiale) 30
9, Ivan Basso (Cannondale Pro Cycling) 32
10, Thibaut Pinot (FDJ) 46
11, Diego Ulissi (Lampre-Merida) 82
12, Edvald Boasson Hagen (Sky Procycling) 88
13, Juan Antonio Flecha Giannoni (Vacansoleil-DCM Pro Cycling Team) 96
14, Tomasz Marczynski (Vacansoleil-DCM Pro Cycling Team) 100
15, Fabian Cancellara (RadioShack Leopard) 105
16, Georg Preidler (Team Argos-Shimano) 129
17, Danilo Wyss (BMC Racing Team) 140
18, Nicolas Edet (Cofidis, Solutions Credits) 174
19, Juan Jose Oroz Ugalde (Euskaltel-Euskadi) 175
20, Greg Henderson (Lotto Belisol) 193


1, Astana Pro Team 135 hours 30 mins 45 secs
2, Team Saxo - Tinkoff, at 33 secs
3, Movistar Team, at 3 mins 7 secs
4, Euskaltel-Euskadi, at 9 mins 4 secs
5, Katusha, at 11 mins 18 secs
6, Team Netapp - Endura, at 12 mins 2 secs
7, Radioshack Leopard, at 14 mins 16 secs
8, FDJ, at 19 mins 43 secs
9, BMC Racing Team, at 25 mins 7 secs
10, Sky Procycling, at 29 mins 7 secs
11, Caja Rural - Seguros RGA, at 31 mins 55 secs
12, Cofidis, Solutions Credits, at 50 mins 12 secs
13, Belkin Pro Cycling Team, at 50 mins 20 secs
14, AG2R La Mondiale, at 59 mins 43 secs
15, Vacansoleil - DCM Pro Cycling Team, at 1:3 mins 26 secs
16, Cannondale Pro Cycling, at 1 hours 10 mins 24 secs
17, Lampre-Merida, at 1 hours 12 mins 36 secs
18, Lotto Belisol, at 1 hours 18 mins 10 secs
19, Omega Pharma - Quick-Step, at 1 hours 20 mins 4 secs
20, Team Argos-Shimano, at 1 hours 48 mins 17 secs
21, Orica Greenedge, at 2 hours 45 mins 3 secs
22, Garmin Sharp, at 2 hours 55 mins 28 secs


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