Nike and Trek cooperate with Floyd Landis investigation, hand over documents
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Sunday, August 8, 2010

Nike and Trek cooperate with Floyd Landis investigation, hand over documents

by VeloNation Press at 7:52 AM EST   comments
Categories: Pro Cycling, Doping
Investigators working fast to beat 10-year statute of limitations on case

Floyd Landis and Lance ArmstrongLong-time sponsors for seven-time Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong, Nike and the Trek Bicycle Corporation, have confirmed that they are cooperating with the investigation swarming around the cycling icon.  The investigation, that began by looking into the Rock Racing team of Michael Ball, took a shift towards Armstrong when former US Postal Service teammate Floyd Landis made detailed accusations to cycling officials in a "tell all" email back in May.

Investigators requested documents from both companies in July, and they have now provided the information.  "One of the things investigators are seeking is for us not to comment," Bill Mashek, a spokesman for Trek, told the Associated Press.

"Yes, we have been contacted by the authorities regarding their investigation, and we are cooperating fully," explained Nike spokesman Derek Kent. "At their request, we are not commenting further."

Landis's claims of systematic doping on the US Postal team have been denied repeatedly by Armstrong.  His accusations include 23 others in the sport, and range from being involved with doping, facilitating and/or helping to cover up the use of doping products, or witnessing banned practices or the exchange of doping products.  Recently, Landis claimed that bikes provided by Trek for the team were auctioned off on eBay to help pay for the team's doping program.

Armstrong's attorney, Brian Daly, insists that his client has done nothing wrong, and dismisses those that have spoken out against his client. “To the extent that any riders are suggesting that Lance Armstrong violated cycling rules or doped, they are either mistaken or not telling the truth,” he told the New York Times earlier this week.  “Lance has ridden with hundreds of riders over the years who will support his position, and over all that time he has never failed even a single test.”

Trek is standing behind their high profile spokesman, and plan to ride out latest wave of claims. "It's important to remember, these are just allegations," Mashek said.

The New York Times has reported that at least one other ex-teammate of Armstrong's has backed up Landis's claims.  Daly has said the investigators are offering deals to get others to talk, which is common practice with criminal investigations.

"We understand that riders may be being offered sweetheart deals to change testimony that they have given in the past under oath. The power of the federal government is being abused to pursue dated and discredited allegations, and that’s flat-out wrong, unethical, un-American, and a waste of taxpayer dollars,” Daly said.


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