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Wiggins is sick....
Last Post 05/17/2013 09:50 AM by Michael Carbajal. 2 Replies.
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05/16/2013 03:07 PM
Sick of the Giro that is...Read it below http://velonews.competitor.com/2013/05/news/brailsford-wiggins-down-and-possibly-out-of-the-giro-ditalia_287109 Froome is going to be so pissed come July! I bet he rides him right of that wheel.


05/16/2013 03:37 PM
Richie Porte can pledge his allegiance to the highest bidder!



05/17/2013 09:50 AM
One can seriously question the race tactics to call back Uran to nurse Wiggins back up. The all for one attitude when you have a second guy riding well is dumb in case something goes awry. Uran loses valuable time and Wiggins eventually drops out. At the very least keep Uran with the leaders and send the rest of the team back to help out.

I thought that last year at the Tour, Sky took a big gamble in holding back Froome. If Wiggins had cracked that day, Sky could have been SOL. Lucky for them Wiggins was good enough and they ended up 1-2. This time around the tactic did not work and they got jammed.
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