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Omicron and the CX Worlds
Last Post 01/25/2022 10:50 AM by Orange Crush. 17 Replies.
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01/19/2022 11:07 PM
From CyclingNews https://www.cyclingnews.com/news/europeans-surprised-by-permissive-covid-guidelines-for-uci-cyclo-cross-worlds/

"There is no requirement for negative tests before arrival at the venue and no team 'bubbles' – just recommendations against taking 'selfies' with other people, 'minimising interpersonal contact during celebrations', social distancing of two metres (six feet), properly wearing a mask and slightly rolling down the windows while driving with others in a car for proper ventilation."

This with the local population at 52% vaccinated, many not wearing masks and the hospitals at capacity. This isn't going to be pretty.  I'd be far less worried about other riders bringing it than being infected from the locals and not being allowed to go home.  Not going to look good for either UCI or USACycling.  And it's not like they don't have precedent on how to do it safely.

Cosmic Kid


01/20/2022 09:43 AM
We have effectively given up and said "fook it....this is too hard. You are all on your own."

As someone with a compromised immune family member, it is infuriating.

And this only highlights why I cancelled my plans to go down to watch the CX WC.
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!


01/20/2022 10:16 AM
Let’s go Darwin

We are such a nation of narcissists that we won’t even get a vaccine and wear a mask.
Orange Crush


01/20/2022 10:38 AM
Posted By Dale Dale on 01/20/2022 10:16 AM
We are such a nation of narcissists that we won’t even get a vaccine and wear a mask.

You are hardly alone. Similar scenarios play out around the globe. Slightly surprised hearing Euros complain about team bubbles or limiting interpersonal contact, it is not like that happened in recent cyclocross races. Don't think the event itself presents a major risk for riders, for the attending audience yes it is a risk so I'd stay away too. For the riders, the big risk is travel to and from. 10 hours of close quarters each way in a poorly vented plane.
Orange Crush


01/20/2022 10:55 AM
an unintended self-quote. trying to do too many things at once.


01/20/2022 11:03 AM
Both Cycling and other sports have moved venues, dates, instituted tight testing , incorporated bubbles, etc and pulled off major event successfully. But the events that have come off well have usually had: common sense, consistency and been carried out rigorously. I see none of that here.
Cosmic Kid


01/20/2022 11:07 AM
10 hours of close quarters each way in a poorly vented plane.

Actually, the ventilation systems in planes are outstanding and provide regularly recirculated and cleaned air. It is one of the safest ways to be in close quarters. Cabin air is recirculated roughly every three minutes through HEPA filters. Between that and masks, you are pretty safe on a plane. Obviously the risk goes up if you eat or drink on the plane....which is clearly an issue on an international flight for athletes.


Let’s go Darwin

Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!
Orange Crush


01/20/2022 11:18 AM
Hmm, what I am seeing in recent weeks is tennis association trying to sneak unvaxed players into Aussie in violation of the country's rules, pro soccer matches being held even though both teams are barely able to field enough players due to covid positives; oh and there was that recent darts word championship were every day they had drop outs due to positives. The tight rules and common sense are falling off the wayside everywhere. Don't know about safety of planes, I hear about people testing positive after flights all the time. And if it's so well vented, why does it feel like a sweat lodge on occasion? That''s why i upgraded to first class on trip to Paris to cut down on the risk/contacts/have some personal space. this was before omni; with omni I am not sure any of that would have mattered.
Cosmic Kid


01/20/2022 11:34 AM
And if it's so well vented, why does it feel like a sweat lodge on occasion?

Well, venting and temperature control are two different things.

That said, it is almost always warmer at the front of the plane...planes fly slightly nose up and warm air rises. Also, which side of the plane you are on matters....if the sun is on your side, that side of the plane is always much warmer.

That''s why i upgraded to first class on trip to Paris to cut down on the risk/contacts/have some personal space.

Always smart regardless of the ventilation systems.

Back in late 2020 / early 2021 when I started doing some limited domestic travel, I inevitably got upgraded due to my status....and it was always packed. In the meantime, the economy cabin was wide open and I'd just say to the staff that I was gonna sit in the back. Would often have a row to myself, as well as a row in front and / or behind. I'd then turn on all the vents so they were blowing away from me.
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!
Orange Crush


01/20/2022 12:24 PM
Posted By Cosmic Kid on 01/20/2022 11:34 AM
And if it's so well vented, why does it feel like a sweat lodge on occasion?

Well, venting and temperature control are two different things.

Oh no, its definitely from still air and sitting in your own and others body heat rather that warm air being piped in. I'm somewhat skeptical of this venting study.
Cosmic Kid


01/20/2022 02:53 PM
I'm somewhat skeptical of this venting study.

That is just one of many.....i grabbed it because it was the most accessible.
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!
Orange Crush


01/20/2022 03:08 PM
Posted By Cosmic Kid on 01/20/2022 02:53 PM
I'm somewhat skeptical of this venting study.

That is just one of many.....i grabbed it because it was the most accessible.

Did some lunchtime reading to entertain the brain. The problem is that these types of studies are a bit theoretical (reminds me of that aerosol study they did on riding in a cyclist's draft LOL). There's myriad ways the theoretical protection from venting system can go down, for one it depends on system always operating which is not always case as plane is being prepared for takeoff (which of course is right when people move about the most), people moving about, zones of convergence (toilets), and as you already noted meal service. I'll continue to avoid as much as possible: https://www.dw.com/en/how-safe-is-flying-during-the-covid-pandemic/a-57284835
Orange Crush


01/23/2022 03:55 PM
Posted By Orange Crush on 01/23/2022 03:55 PM
Back to original topic, this is why I thought it a bit funny the Belgians and Dutch would complain about the state of affairs in Arkansas. On top of that two of the Belgian team just tested positive.

Orange Crush


01/23/2022 04:18 PM
Hermans was also at WC event today testing positive immediately after so will be interesting if that has any further fallout aside from him now being ruled out.
Orange Crush


01/24/2022 12:51 PM
Italy also had a covid positive at Hoogerheide so are now leaving half their team at home.
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