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Last Post 04/03/2022 09:59 AM by Orange Crush. 65 Replies.
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03/30/2022 10:11 AM
When VdP led out the sprint I was... uh oh but it looked like he put in one more surge and it was lights out. Solid racing all around.

Tour of Flanders is going to be great!

58 chainring!?! Dayum
Orange Crush


03/30/2022 10:37 AM
VDP put Benoot, Pidcock and Campenaerts (with his 58 ring) as strongest today. But he rode a smart and well paced race even though once again it started from very far out.


03/30/2022 12:05 PM
But did VDP dig too deep today? Just three days rest to go that deep or deeper Sunday. He is just back to going full speed. If JV and Van Aert plkay theirf cards right, VDP being only 98% might not be enough.
Orange Crush


03/30/2022 12:48 PM
I'm generally wondering a bit about the wisdom of partaking in these mid-week races ahead of a major objective. That said, the effort he put in today seemed pretty measured, nothing like long-range solos of the past. I'm thinking Pog may have expended more energy in the chase whereas VDP was in a pretty large group. With limited racing days he also needs this type of effort to get to 100%.


03/30/2022 08:36 PM
OK, I've got it: Neither Pog nor VDP will win this weekend, too spent.
Orange Crush


04/03/2022 09:59 AM
Posted By Frederick Jones on 03/30/2022 08:36 PM
OK, I've got it: Neither Pog nor VDP will win this weekend, too spent.

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