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He's baaaack...
Last Post 12/22/2022 07:48 PM by Frederick Jones. 10 Replies.
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11/27/2022 08:10 AM
MVdP went from 4th row to the front in short order. It took him a few mishaps before he remembered how to drive a bike but there was no question who had the most power.

Felt bad for Pitcock on that last lap, not that he could have closed the gap but still stinks to get taken out like that.

and have you seen anyone more consistently first out of the gate than Van der Haar? That kid gets the jump on them every time! He just lack a bit of power in the muddy sections to be stay at the front.
Orange Crush


11/27/2022 10:21 AM
Order is restored.


11/27/2022 11:49 AM
Didn't Pitcock have drive train issues a couple of races ago? I'm wondering if Ineos is going too light, too road-like on their equipment specs and not giving him the best possible 'cross ride. Or is Pitcock just hard on equipment? (I saw a photo of Vos running the barricades recently in absolutely perfect form. Granted, she and bike were in mid-air in the photo but it is easy to imagine that her transition back on was smooth as silk and that her bike could see hundreds of her mounts and dismounts and never have an issue.)
Orange Crush


11/27/2022 11:59 AM
I was wondering same Ben about Pitcock mechanical. On top of that Prevot also had issues a few races ago.
Orange Crush


12/20/2022 04:57 PM
VDP the chicken (as Adrie put it, he was simply scared) was an interesting experience at Valle di Sol. In particular because he really showcased the practice runs on Friday when fresh snow was coming down. Fresh snow is like sand. But by race time it was ice and he just wasn't feeling it, barely pedaling the turns and unclipping.

Apparently he was livid with himself, tried to hide in the camper which was still locked. One of those days.

Hopefully van Empel and Eli recover quickly from their crashes.


12/20/2022 05:51 PM
LOL! Pop was tossing him under the bus big time.

I just read where his HR didn’t go above 125 and he finished 8th. How nuts is that?

1/4 lap into the race and I thought he was just punching the clock and not doing anything to risk his road season. Seemed like the right call to not risk it on an insignificant (for him) race.
Orange Crush


12/20/2022 06:06 PM
Insignificant yes. But I think he really had pictured this to be the VDP on Ice show. That is why he was so chapped. And yes, thanks Pops, LOL.


12/20/2022 08:10 PM
Silly me.
At first I thought this might be about Cav finally getting a contract with a WT team.
The "relegation" pressure thwarts a long shot for everlasting fame or merely wins for points points points among many teams. I get that, capitalism etc. This reduces the chance for something rare and truly special.

Good luck Cav, glad you finally have a ride. . . OK, I had my say, please return to riding bicycles in snow.


12/20/2022 08:28 PM
Didn't watch the CX race. But a thought - I know there are days when I'm just not feeling lucky. Those days I do not push it. Other days when everything feels "there". I've never bought it on those days. VDP might have had one of those "not one of my lucky days" and could have been quite long term smart not to push it. (A slide out on ice and multi-season hip issue? Just not worth it given the stakes here.)
Cosmic Kid


12/22/2022 09:01 AM
Hopefully van Empel and Eli recover quickly from their crashes.

Given those crashes, MVP made the right call by not pushing his luck.

I don't know how I feel about that race / course....I get that snow happens occasionally in 'cross, but there is a difference between that and purposely staging a race on the snow in the misguided hopes of getting 'cross into the Olympics.
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!


12/22/2022 07:48 PM
Winter olympics? That could work if Euro lowland winter conditions could be found. Snow biking is a thing, another way to go.
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