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Giro in DC a Dream??
Last Post 11/22/2009 10:54 AM by Steve Jones. 2 Replies.
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11/20/2009 11:27 PM
So I read that article a while back on the Giro possibly starting in DC, and thought no way is that possible but it seemed the powers that be were really considering it.  Does anyone think this has a snowball's chance in hell (at least while Fenty is still in office)?

...I can already see the tailgate party now


11/21/2009 04:36 PM
I think it will happen, though 2011 seems ambitious. 2012 is probably more likely. I would feel bad for the riders if it does happen, but as a fan I'd love it. Hopefully, if/when it does happen, they make some changes to accommodate the riders, like putting in a third rest day, shortening the overall length of the race, or both. To have a 3,500 km race on two continents is just asking the riders to stick the needle in their arms.


11/22/2009 10:54 AM
Both sides look like they want it to happen. I think it will be tough to bring the entire race here for just a prologue and circuit race. It would make a bit more sense if they were to add a few more stages into the mix, and end it with a time trial so the race could hop on the plane quickly while most things could be packed the previous night. I'm with Alex, as a fan in the US it would be great to see it happen!
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