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Vuelta a España picks
Last Post 09/19/2010 09:52 PM by Alexandra Edge. 20 Replies.
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09/15/2010 07:25 PM
Well crud. Other than one last man from the stinking breakaway, I had Stage 16 pretty well nailed. I don't think I'm going to get to 42 points.


09/18/2010 05:00 AM
29 points - woot for 5 on a breakaway day! I might still get to 42 with the jerseys.


09/18/2010 11:50 AM
31 points. I'll get 4 for Nibali and 5 for Moncoutié tomorrow, and I think 4 for Nibali again (second on the stage moved him up in a rank in the points classification, which should make him first in the combo classification. Just GC guys {and Gilbert} below him, so tomorrow's sprint won't upset him), so I should hit the magic number after all I kind of like this points system.


09/18/2010 11:53 AM
Nice - Okay, I'll play along for the rest of the year if you set it up!


09/19/2010 05:12 PM
Final total is 44 points. Given how unpredictable bike racing really is, I do think getting >1/3 is pretty good.

Posted By Johan Baert on 09/18/2010 11:53 AM
Nice - Okay, I'll play along for the rest of the year if you set it up!

For Lombardy? Hmm k, you want Cunego or Gilbert? :p Seriously though, it works better for the GT's.


09/19/2010 09:52 PM
And note to Denis Menchov: Ride ONE Grand Tour next year. Whichever it is, make it your one. Or maybe Giro/Vuelta. He's proven he can't recover fast enough when the Tour is involved, as either his first or second Grand Tour of the season.

2009: wins the Giro, 51st in the Tour
2010: third in the Tour (and one missed break away from maybe winning it), 41st in the Vuelta (behind such aces as Marco Marzano, Kanstantsin Siutsou, and Johannes Frohlinger - even GT greenhorn Tejay van Garderen finished better than Menchov. Yeesh)
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