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Last Post 07/01/2021 10:20 PM by 79 pmooney. 0 Replies.
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07/01/2021 10:20 PM
A suburbanite reports explosives in a neighbors garage. Police and an ATF rep show up with an armored truck. Search the garage, find and remove pallets of unknown explosive, perhaps 5000 pounds. They load the truck, close the back and set it off! Blows the truck apart and injures 17 people.


So, you load 5000 pounds of unknown explosives into a sealed container and set it off in a residential neighborhood with people watching? In the United State of America where possession of heavy weaponry is (with some limits) protected by the founding document. In a country that gave us Timothy McVeigh and a few from Idaho and Montana that have had some impressive little forts.

This sounds to me like complete arrogance and incompetance by whoever was in charge. (And with a Federal agent there specifically tasked with overseeing firearms wouldn't that be him/her?)
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