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Perhaps we've inched back from autocracy...
Last Post 12/10/2022 07:11 AM by Dale Dale. 29 Replies.
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11/14/2022 03:55 PM
Let's hope it's a long-term trend.


11/14/2022 06:33 PM
Too soon to be sure, but the predictions of violence on this forum so far haven't been an issue. Maybe the widespread reporting of an impending MAGA wave kept the crazies' temperature lower.


11/15/2022 12:24 PM
Definitely too soon, but I'm relieved with the outcome of the elections. A bit of renewed faith that my fellow citizens had not all lost their minds to another cult.
Cosmic Kid


11/15/2022 03:00 PM
Definitely too soon, but I'm relieved with the outcome of the elections

Take a short bit of recovery and get ready for the next interval....it is coming quickly.

My hope is now the GOP begins to tear itself apart....the more the Orange Buffoon feels usurped, the better the chances of that happening.
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!


11/15/2022 03:21 PM
"Take a short bit of recovery and get ready for the next interval....it is coming quickly."

Agreed. On all points.

The next fun should be the House trying to elect a Speaker ; )
Orange Crush


11/15/2022 06:27 PM
I'd say there hasn't been any outward directed anger or violence because there's nothing specific to coalesce around (like a presidency) and T just cares about himself. He's too busy eating crow.

Other than that, not much to celebrate. After a brief two year respite with some bills passed, for the next two years, legislative gridlock will be the name of game. The anger and frustration that comes with that is still the road to autocracy. Something more fundamental has to change to get off that road.


11/15/2022 08:48 PM
Here’s one option: single primaries. Instead of separate party primaries, just one with everyone. Then a runoff of the top 2. Favors moderates, disfavors extremists.
Cosmic Kid


12/07/2022 09:31 AM
Big, big win last night....in addition to giving Dewms the outright majority in the Senate, it also lessens the influence the dual-idiots Manchin and Simena can wield over any legislative processes.

It is beyond my comprehension how that race was so tight....you had one candidate that was so manifestly unfit for office, it should have been a massive blowout even in these partisan times. Evangelicals lined up to support a man who was the very antithesis of everything they supposedly believe....not to mention he can not complete a single coherent sentence.
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!


12/07/2022 03:14 PM
Yesterday was a good day for the U.S...

Disgusted at how close that race was - A majority of Georgia's white population just wanted a black token that would represent them politically in every way that a white whackjob Cracker would do - and Herschel fit that bill, despite his numerous blatant inadequacies.

AND... the Trump Organization guilty on all counts! Fantastic. Now let's get the fat boy and his spawn.
Cosmic Kid


12/07/2022 03:45 PM
. the Trump Organization guilty on all counts!

I'm so frustrated with that verdict...Trump or his spawn were never named personally, teh fine is going to be only ~$2M and nothing of consequence (once again) happens.

hell, he probably passed around the donation plate last night at Mar-A-Lago to collect in advance for their fine.

Just once, I want to see Trump personally held accountable for his crimes.
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!


12/07/2022 04:57 PM
If this sticks, Trump-corp can be banned from doing business in New York, or something less severe but still very severe. The fine is just the beginning.


12/07/2022 04:58 PM
"Just once, I want to see Trump personally held accountable for his crimes."

I gotta believe this is paving the way to those charges - otherwise, what's the point.

Yeah, despite what life has shown me in my many decades, I remain hopeful.
Cosmic Kid


12/08/2022 09:26 AM
If this sticks, Trump-corp can be banned from doing business in New York, or something less severe but still very severe.

Two key phrases - "if this sticks" and "can be".

Call me when it happens.....I doubt it will.

I gotta believe this is paving the way to those charges - otherwise, what's the point.

Peacocking, mostly. We lack the courage to do hard things anymore....

The reality is that Trump has never been held personally accountable for his actions before. To do so now will require the indictment, prosecution and conviction of a former President. We could even convict him of an impeachment as he was literally on the way out the door.

No way he ever faces an indictment on any of these charges, let alone prosecution.
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!


12/08/2022 10:25 AM
Don't steal my dreams, CK ; )
Cosmic Kid


12/08/2022 11:23 AM
Nothing would make me happier for you to, one day, say to me "I told you so!"

Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!
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