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Cape Cod MS ride
Last Post 03/17/2019 09:35 PM by Cosmic Kid. 14 Replies.
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03/07/2019 06:54 PM
I'm doing the Cape Cod Getaway MS bike ride at the end of June. If anyone wants to hook up, here is my ride website: https://secure.nationalmssociety.org/site/TR?fr_id=30187&pg=personal&px=1792832 (not looking for donations, just riders)


03/07/2019 09:33 PM
Thanks for your link and Congratulations!: Wow you are a successful fund raiser, well done! Thank you for supporting this worthy cause. MS is such a crappy disease, and modern medicine has not quite yet got a good handle on it. Raised money supports research that inches us closer to this achievable goal: not cured, but converted to a manageable chronic condition rather than worse, just like HIV and many cancers are now.

Cosmic Kid


03/08/2019 08:59 AM
Well, this seems like the right time to let you guys in on something....my wife was diagnosed with MS last summer. Obviously it has been a game changer for us. The good news is that her case is relatively mild (two MS specialists have diagnosed it that way).....the bad news is that it is attacking her mobility. It is difficult for her to walk more than about 10m without having to stop. She uses a cane if walking further than that.

So while it is mild, the consequences of not treating it aggressively means she will likely end up in a wheelchair at some point. But luckily she doesn't have many of the other debilitating symptoms that often come with MS....the all-day fatigue, pain, etc. Her legs just lock up and she can't walk very far....and stairs are very difficult for her.

I am going to do the IL MS ride that is June 23 (I think)...oldest daughter is definitely doing it with me and working on getting her a bike now. I may take one of the other two on the back of our tandem.

Thanks, Smokey for getting out and doing the fundraising....as well as to anyone else who signs up and does a ride.
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!


03/08/2019 09:24 AM
Oh man, sorry to hear that CK. Good on both you and Smokey for doing the ride/ fundraiser


03/08/2019 06:16 PM
Oh my, CK, I'm so sorry to hear this!! My wife is an OT so if you have any questions or are seeking advice on how to better assist your wife with regular day-to-day activities, please let me know. Any possible way we can help, count on it.

I'll be riding the Colorado MS150 at some point this summer and will add her name to the list of people I'm pedaling for and raising money for.


03/08/2019 07:46 PM
CK, sorry for your wife's illness, truly sucks. Ride and support!


03/08/2019 07:47 PM
PS: haven't done it for many years, but the Bay Area MS ride, "wine to waves" was primo in terms of scenery and organization. And of course the food and wine were excellent. In case you're looking for an excuse to ride north of SF.


03/08/2019 08:11 PM
CK, my aunt was diagnosed in the '70s. I last saw her in 1988, wheelchair bound and having had all her abilities taken. Passed several years later. She was everything to my uncle and he spiraled down and was also gone in more several years.

Fundraising is one of those "activities from hell" for me so I may never ride an MS ride. I honor them too much to make a mockery with my presence. So you and Smokey, know that my heart is there.



03/08/2019 08:23 PM
My wife has MS. She has gone from relapsing-remitting to secondary progressive. Her walking is severely impaired. We use a wheelchair or a mobility scooter to get her around. She also has a sand chair with balloon tires for the beach.
One of the participants in the Cape Cod Getaway has MS. I have donated to her ride. If you would like to support the ride, consider a donation on Selena's behalf: https://secure.nationalmssociety.org/site/TR?fr_id=30187&pg=personal&px=5909455.


03/08/2019 08:43 PM
Oh Jeez, Smokey, so sorry to read this. This may come across as lame, but just to clear my conscience, I donate directly to MS research rather than supporting fund raising riders. And I love riders. I hope that this confession doesn't get me kicked off this forum. The MS rides are a beautiful thing. Ride and support!


03/08/2019 08:51 PM
lsd: No reason to apologize. Your first response on this thread spoke wonders.


03/14/2019 08:27 AM
So sorry to hear this CK.
Cosmic Kid


03/14/2019 10:15 AM
Just coming back to this thread...smokey, didn't realize your wife had MS as well. If you don't mind, I'd like to pick your brain on a few things since you guys ahve been dealing with this longer than we have and we are still kinda fumbling our way around. You can reach me via e-mail: bouf at comcast dot net.

Thanks for everyone's posts...much appreciated.
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!


03/16/2019 08:33 AM
I sent an email from my Yahoo account to check the address. No reply yet. Did you get it? maybe in spam folder.
Cosmic Kid


03/17/2019 09:35 PM
Got it, thanks...i’ll Respond tomorrow.
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!
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