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Did not get selected for Dirty Kanza...
Last Post 04/10/2020 08:42 AM by Cosmic Kid. 115 Replies.
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Cosmic Kid


01/19/2019 08:36 PM
....both bummed and relieved. Now I need another goal for the year...although with the number of house projects I need to do, maybe a year of diminished mileage would not be the worst thing in the world.
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!


01/20/2019 12:08 AM
Completely unrelated but I just started a biography of a woman from Kansas (who like Dorothy, took to the air and became famous). Amelia Earhart. At the moment she is just 7 yo but I did read the trailers.

Two summers ago I focused on Cycle Oregon only to see it canceled. Last year I signed up but my focus was the house. Paint job that included a lot of repairs (and two coats. brush and roller). I was glad I rode CO but was not fully prepared. Never got the dialed-in climb that I live for.


01/20/2019 04:44 AM
Not too late to sign up for Tour of the Gila.

There are a crap load of guys from my town that are doing DK and a few doing DK XL (pure lunacy).
A few that are bummed they didn't get in and looking for an alternative that weekend
Cosmic Kid


01/20/2019 09:16 AM
May end up doing the Coast To Coast gravel race in MI...think it is two weeks after DK.
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!
Orange Crush


01/20/2019 09:46 AM
CK - Oregon Trail Gravel Grinder. June 19-23. Be there.

I'm afraid I tripped your luck. Was going to throw my name in lottery for DK200 but when OTGG came up I decided to postpone till next year. Will see you then haha.
Orange Crush


01/20/2019 05:01 PM
Just learned someone else from my circle is targeting Dk200 next year. It be so.

As it stands we had beauty ride and a handful of beerstoday. F if this winter has not felt like eternal spring.


01/20/2019 05:52 PM
Come out and do the Golden Gran Fondo with me!! That's really disappointing about the DK200. Sorry man.
Cosmic Kid


01/21/2019 07:46 AM
OC...the Oregon gravel ride sounds awesome...except for the camping aspect. I am just too old to camp. Zero desire to do that anymore. “Roughing it” for me means staying in a Courtyard.

Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!
Orange Crush


01/21/2019 08:21 AM
They have showers. Your food is cooked. Beer and whiskey tasting. How is that roughing it lol? For an extra 200 you can even have a tent pitched for you.


01/21/2019 09:02 AM
Posted By Cosmic Kid on 01/21/2019 07:46 AM
“Roughing it” for me means staying in a Courtyard.



01/24/2019 10:43 PM
CC, Oregon Trail Gravel Grinder, I'm in.  Explorer.  (We'll see how long that lasts.)

I have two concerns.  Myself.  The camping.  (This is their first time at this.  Do they know what they are doing?  Good thing - Oregon has hundreds of ex-volunteers who have worked the ride that set the standard - Cycle Oregon.  But I have heard the stories of CO's first ride many times.  Really glad I missed it (when I was 35 years younger).  Now?  Epic is for youngsters!

Posted By Cosmic Kid on 01/21/2019 07:46 AM
“Roughing it” for me means staying in a Courtyard.

Cycle Oregon picks campsites far, far nicer and cleaner than you classic (medival) courtyard.  I'm trusting these folks will do likewise.

Orange Crush


01/25/2019 05:20 AM
Good stuff Ben. The organizer has been running bike events for 20 years he said so they should know what they're doing. That said this is logistically far more challenging than a single day event so I'm sure there will be some surprises.


01/31/2019 11:11 PM
OC, the Cycle Oregon Kickoff was last night. Crater Lake from the north! Much like the canceled ride two years ago. I've wanted to do a planned assault of the North Entrance ever since I accidentally rode it down from the rim and had to turn around and ride back up, low on food. (I had just enough to get around the rim to lunch. An extra 1400' was not in the plan, especially on a 42-23.)

This year, Crater Lake is on our rest day so all I have to do is roll out of Diamond Lake, right at the entrance, climb and roll around the (3000' of climbing) rim. The descent back will be a blast (and really fun on a 42-12! I know, I've done it already!)

This year will be the second Gravel Grinder, in May, eastern Cascades. Just a weekend. I signed up to get some real gravel time and shake-down a month before the Oregon Trail ride. Looks like the house will not be getting much attention this summer! Rode over and around the hills south of Portland today on Jessica J. I felt great, the bike felt great. I left at around 11:30, got back at 5:30, after sunset, kinda bothered that it was that late but I only rode ~55 miles - to bump my January total to 400 miles. Added up the miles. 68! OK! (A conservative 1550' of climbing. 42-17, 21, 13; perfect cogs for the day. (Jessica's doing Crater Lake also. Gotta get her trained.)

Cosmic Kid


04/01/2019 05:24 PM
Update.....I got in through a transfer slot. Looks like I am doing it after all. *gulp*

I also have two international trips planned between now and race day, including one the week of May 14, which should have been my last real big volume push. Not certain how I will work all that out.

Did 3 hours on the fatty yesterday (trails still kind of a mess for CX) and a quick lunch ride spin today on the CX bike. Now need to work out what equipment i want / need for DK.

Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!


04/01/2019 05:39 PM
Update on my progress. Its been tough. I got hit hard by the flu going around 4 weeks ago. No stomach issues but i felt like I got run over by a truck. Form took a huge hit. Wrote off RondePDX Saturday as there was no way this body was ready for 1/2 of the 7000' climbing.

I am back on the bike and did a good ride yesterday. Easy. ~60 miles. First 35 flat, then some rollers. Refuel break, then a 1000' climb over the range of hills I had been riding behind to get home. Didn't kill me but I was really glad I only had to climb that 1000' of not so steep stuff. 8% average maybe?

A lot of work to do before the Oregon Trail GG and one short season to go! (Equinox to Soltice.)

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