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Some vindication for Greg Lemond
Last Post 10/03/2017 09:11 PM by Frederick Jones. 17 Replies.
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Orange Crush


10/03/2017 10:31 AM
Ben - the particular incident you are referring to, the shady Hungarian dude showing up with police, it was determined that UCI was correct to keep them out. There was commentary along those lines in cyclingnews around the time. It's like Floyd Landis showing up with a police escort at a bike race. Look, people lose perspective here in that UCI is dirt poor and has limited resources to do just about anything. Police are better off going after real crime as daily events keep showing us.
Orange Crush


10/03/2017 01:49 PM
BTW Madiot's comment is brilliant:

"“It’s pathetic. In my opinion, what he’s doing is not profitable. All that to win two sausages and three packets of crisps…I don’t see the point,”

That goes to the offender but also speaks of the effort put in to catch him...how many $ expended for a 500 Euro cheat?

Also worth noting the comment posted on the article:

"I know someone that not only teaches the officials (Commissaires) how to use the UCI tablet device, but also is contracted to go to many of the top events to do the actual testing too. He is convinced the pro's are not using motors, and also convinced the tablet is far more effective than the TV programs gave credit for."

There's a lot of innuendo going on supplied by our Hungarian engineer friend who is trying to eat of both walls. First he supplies the motors, then he gets paid to do the TV shows and "exposures". Makes me skeptical as to his credibility to say the least.


10/03/2017 09:11 PM
My response to the quoted cycling bureaucrat's comments above:

What you don't about people and what motivates them is a lot.
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