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Changed my mind...
Last Post 10/26/2022 12:29 PM by christopher behrens. 33 Replies.
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10/20/2022 01:23 PM

Posted By christopher behrens on 10/19/2022 12:06 PM

Any of you heard of the 'Greater Idaho Movement'? It's a plan for a large geographic portion of Oregon to be taken in by Idaho as they adhere more to their politics. Looked at as mostly a joke, but seems to be taking on more of a possibility(slight) these days. So 6ix, you're thoughts are spot on.


Not all bad for us western Oregonians. Taxes and utility costs would go down. (There are vast areas with miles of roads and power lines for one or two houses. Just spent a week out there and someone mentioned that early on so I rode with my eyes open. By contrast, dense housing makes supplying energy easy and efficient. Yes, the individual costs are very high, but hundreds or thousands are served, not two.

Now, if both this and OC's plan were to go into effect and things go further downhill, I'd need a passport to do a day's ride east over the Cascades. But no paperwork to ride nearly to the North Pole. (Finally, a reason for a fatbike.)


10/20/2022 04:19 PM

Read "Profiles in Ignorance" by Andy Borowitz. The R trend to violence is nothing new.

Have that as a book-on-tape ready by the author. About 30 minutes left.

Humorous but tragic to contemplate how totally ignorant and fascist so many on the right are.


10/26/2022 09:41 AM
"There's always Vermont ; )"

Now, now, Huckle, don't be going and giving that information out so freely!


10/26/2022 12:29 PM
Thin -

I heard they already closed the border ; )
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