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World Cup CX Thread
Last Post 02/17/2022 11:19 AM by Dale Dale. 118 Replies.
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Orange Crush


02/14/2022 04:53 PM
Flanders Classics produced some pretty amazing drone footage of Lucinda Brand. Closeup view of dynamics of tackling a CX course at speed. Drone had a hard time keeping up.


Of course UCI took it down LOL. Shame, although had it been a close race with multiple riders up front I can see the safety risk.
Cosmic Kid


02/15/2022 09:18 AM
I actually can't blame the UCI for stopping this.....the drone was flying low and basically on the course. If the pilot clipped a fence or railing or anything else, the drone could have landed on the course, creating a dangerous obstacle.

And let's not forget the drone from a few years ago at the Winter Olympics that almost fell on a skier.

Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!
Orange Crush


02/15/2022 03:14 PM
Breast cancer drug - WTF?!



02/15/2022 08:39 PM
A four letter word slipped out just now.... man, I hate to see that.
Cosmic Kid


02/16/2022 09:17 AM
Breast cancer drug

Oh, FFS.....

"I am currently in the dark as to how this could have come about. The product 'Letrozole Metabolite' was found in my urine sample. A product that I had never heard of until yesterday and do not know how it got into my body."

Absolutely amazing how these drug tests only manage to catch innocent people and never the ones who are actually doping...
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!
Orange Crush


02/16/2022 09:42 AM
In better news UCI is allowing drone race coverage starting March 1.
Cosmic Kid


02/16/2022 10:08 AM
That is good news...the race view from the CX event was awesome.

Will be interesting to see how they implement it for road races. I'd love to see the day when drones can be used at the front of a race instead of motorcycles, but we are probably still years away form that.
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!


02/17/2022 08:28 AM
Segue into one of my pet peeves on race video. They go from overhead footage leading up to the sprint then switch to a long focal length feed from behind the finish line. You can't see the sprint play out, all yo see is a mass of moving color. After the finish they might show an overhead of the last k or so but I want to see it live without knowing who won.

Cosmic Kid


02/17/2022 09:06 AM
They go from overhead footage leading up to the sprint then switch to a long focal length feed from behind the finish line

This x1000....although one of the races I watched this week stayed with the overhead shot, which was great to see.

So kuch easier to see what is really going on from above....and most races that look close form the front-on shot really aren't.
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!


02/17/2022 09:28 AM
Posted By Cosmic Kid on 02/16/2022 10:08 AM
That is good news...the race view from the CX event was awesome.

Will be interesting to see how they implement it for road races. I'd love to see the day when drones can be used at the front of a race instead of motorcycles, but we are probably still years away form that.

CK, replacing the with drones will slow down average race speeds.  Think about it.  Race leader finds whatever draft he can get off the motorcycle.  And if he's solo, he has little else to worry about and a bicycle is the perfect vehicle to detect whatever aero benefits to be had.  So he finds that magic spot and speeds up a little.  Motorcycle had to speed up to maintain its distance.  The Q-S (or whoever) powered field edges up its speed to maintain that 3 minute deficit.

Now replace that huge bicycle that has a pair of legs that make Tim Declerq look like a wimp with a giant insect.  An insect with turbulence, not draft.  Suddenly they are racing without a rabbit and no carrot.  And totally alone. Life out there is going to be lonely.


02/17/2022 09:41 AM
Posted By Cosmic Kid on 02/17/2022 09:06 AM
They go from overhead footage leading up to the sprint then switch to a long focal length feed from behind the finish line

This x1000....although one of the races I watched this week stayed with the overhead shot, which was great to see.

So kuch easier to see what is really going on from above....and most races that look close form the front-on shot really aren't.
Front-on shots - the curse of telephoto - no perspective.  To get the footage right, the camera should have a normal lens (in the old 35mm cameras, a 50mm); about 12 feet beyond the finish line.  (This calls for an extremely rugged camera; probably built to military specs as it would regularly get knocked around by cyclists riding 35 mph.  You'd have to pay the photographer a lot.  And the CPA would complain.  But we all know the end result would be worth it.  That frontal view of Cavendish with Gaviria clearly 12" back.  (And yes, there was a footnote that the camera man was doing OK in ER after broken ribs and severe whiplash.)



02/17/2022 09:53 AM
Speculation on the COVID front. I wonder if it hit the CN crew at the Volta. No live updates today. Or perhaps today is such a boring sprint stage they slept in.

Edit:  Climbing stage today.  Summit finish, 7.7km @ 6.1%.  Hope the CN crew are faring well.
Cosmic Kid


02/17/2022 10:25 AM
CK, replacing the with drones will slow down average race speeds.  Think about it.  Race leader finds whatever draft he can get off the motorcycle.

Exactly why I would want to see it.
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!


02/17/2022 11:19 AM
CK, be careful what you wish for. Remember the 1984 Giro TT helicopter scandal where Fignon alleged the helicopter rotor wash helped push Moser while giving Fignon a headwind.
Who knows the repercussions from drones

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